Irish Times (Simplex) - Aug 11 1998

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Clues Answers
'No news is ...' GOODNEWS
A very old wig PERUKE
A white one denotes cowardice FEATHER
Abnormal sac in or on body CYST
American rotter or shoe part HEEL
Ball or globe SPHERE
Beneficent, perhaps to a fault GENEROUS
Conjecture from misuser SURMISE
Do without, relinquish FOREGO
Excessive patriotism, contempt for other countries JINGOISM
Famous French novelist in stupor PROUST
Fence-steps in islets STILES
Five-pointed star or other figure used as magic symbol PENTACLE
Go over work again as for exam REVISE
Kind of newts EFTS
Large bottle in wicker case DEMIJOHN
Clues Answers
Large fruit in New York? BIGAPPLE
Made contented sound of cat PURRED
Of a Frenchwoman, wellgroomed and sophisticated SOIGNEE
Of language, pompous and not flowing easily TURGID
Person appointed to carry out terms of will EXECUTOR
Ranted, being passionate ARDENT
Repeals or rescinds ANNULS
Salt-water lake, often blue LAGOON
Solitary or unwed SINGLE
State of being everywhere or widespread UBIQUITY
Strong in quality or degree INTENSE
They are hard to convince SCEPTICS
This hour is the latest possible time for doing something ELEVENTH
Traitor with reversed garment TURNCOAT
Turned into bone, being drunk? OSSIFIED
Watery liquid left when milk forms curds WHEY