Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 7 2006

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Clues Answers
A harmless white lie FIB
A Japanese mattress-bed FUTON
A return to fashion or use REVIVAL
A street attacker-robber MUGGER
A useless palindrome? DUD
Aboriginal people of New Zealand MAORIS
Abstained from food as in penance FASTED
An informal brawl, a fight with fists PUNCHUP
Belonging to former times, perhaps word usage ARCHAIC
Bring something unpleasant on oneself INCUR
Brook or rivulet STREAM
Certificate awarded by a college DIPLOMA
Circumstance that contributes toward a result - arithmetically? FACTOR
Cloak or headland CAPE
Common hair tidier COMB
Deprive of weapons or win over DISARM
Eager for diva AVID
Go back on former belief RECANT
Gratuity or hint TIP
Greek king who killed his father and married his mother OEDIPUS
Grow to maturity like fruit RIPEN
Clues Answers
In your eye, this is a toast MUD
Japanese craft of growing dwarf trees BONSAI
Made unnecessary display about unimportant matter FUSSED
Makes great effort, tries hard STRIVES
No euros? That's burdensome ONEROUS
Not transparent or free from doubt UNCLEAR
Once around the track CIRCUIT
Open button or ruin UNDO
Person in overall charge, top banana SUPREMO
Person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain on others SADIST
Pierce through as with sharp stick IMPALE
Put in appearance or expose SHOWUP
Regrets, to be sure RUES
Rubble, heap of broken pieces DEBRIS
Run about playfully, frolic CAPER
Sanctuary or kind of hospital ASYLUM
Small groups of people working or being trained together SQUADS
Spur or stimulate GOAD
Stumble on short journey TRIP
Voting as at an election POLL
Wept heavily SOBBED