Irish Times (Simplex) - May 27 2005

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Clues Answers
'A man works from sun to sun, but a woman's work is . . . . . . . . .' NEVERDONE
A dirty or blurred mark SMUDGE
Bad-tempered like striped stinger WASPISH
Bottle-stopper for a southern city CORK
Brother of Moses who had blessed rod AARON
Colourful communists REDS
Divide by chopping, or cling CLEAVE
Evade by moving out of the way DODGE
Gaelic fish of wisdom SALMON
Gives authority to a delegate MANDATES
Greek equivalent to Roman Cupid EROS
Having natural talent GIFTED
He's not a member of the nobility COMMONER
He-man open to remarkable things or wonders PHENOMENA
In brief, army rank below officer NONCOM
Line on map connecting areas of equal pressure ISOBAR
Loaded with cargo or burden LADEN
Narrow strip of coloured cloth, worn as ornament RIBBON
Clues Answers
No pests for male issue of spouse - but not of self STEPSON
Of ball, spring back again BOUNCE
Opens knot to release UNTIES
Packed down like tobacco in pipe TAMPED
Past pupils of the old school ALUMNI
Pay visit to, or appeal to CALLON
Prospers, does well THRIVES
Return prisoner to custody pending further investigation REMAND
Routes or methods quicker than the usual ones SHORTCUTS
Sacrifice, kill or destroy IMMOLATE
Seep out slowly TRICKLE
Silly person or idiot IMBECILE
The situation as it is now - in Latin STATUSQUO
Thing or person thought to bring bad luck HOODOO
Tilted or sloped CANTED
Tube that carries blood to the heart VEIN
Vision, ability to see SIGHT
Worn away by weather or water ERODED