Irish Times (Crosaire) - Nov 17 2005

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Clues Answers
A bewitching little magazine, I see MAGIC
About twelve NOONDAY
Before 5 down I be a Moslem IMAM
By the sound of it, one might be casting off pearls, but not before woolly swine KNITTER
By way of resignation STOICALLY
Counsel got around to having recommended being beaten SCOURGED
Enough to make you sick with my one, but make light of it ILLUMINE
Gee, the boy is so happy GLAD
How one might coast along to music TOSCA
How the Gentile returned, offended by such food YOGHURT
How the seat still got broken and passed away STEADIED
It's for the boy to make this with enthusiasm GUSTO
It's good to be not left to use about nothing RIGHTEOUS
Let it stay placed around tea STET
Mostly 1 across VERYTRYING
Never more no more IMMORTAL
Clues Answers
Not wearing clothing ERODING
On the face of it, you can't see who it is YASHMAK
Round and round, back and forth ROTOR
That gets blooming well lit up TULIP
That might be enough to make one throw up for an even chance TOSS
That might make one a little heated, as a matter of course CALORIE
The judge does, or attempts to (5, 5) TRIESCASES
The point if it's the way to remove it UNPIN
The rotter was no more, having carried it in clubs CADDIED
The thank-you letter from Greece THETA
They don't want to leave Britain UNIONISTS
This month the insect gets at 'er without delay INSTANTER
To a certain degree, a fishy way to behave ANGLE
What the judge has TRYINGTODO