Universal - Oct 16 2003

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Clues Answers
"Arsenic and Old ___" LACE
"Digger" of "The Life of Riley" ODELL
"Star Wars" princess LEIA
'60's fashion MAXI
A great deal VERYMUCH
Able to be proven TRUE
About 2.2 pounds KILO
Above the timberline ALPINE
Actress Marisa TOMEI
Ailments ILLS
Angelic symbol HALO
Anterior elongations of an animal's head NEBS
Au courant AWARE
Back muscle, briefly LAT
Ballet follower RUSSE
Banded quartz ONYX
Battery terminal ANODE
Birdbrain NITWIT
Blind trio of song MICE
Branch headquarters? NEST
Brando's birthplace OMAHA
Break sharply SNAP
Bride's ID MRS
Brings under control TAMES
Brown-haired BRUNET
Butter container TUB
Carpentry tool RIPSAW
Certify ATTEST
Chess champion Mikhail TAL
Chophouse order STEAK
Choral work MOTET
Chromosome factor SEX
Coffee container URN
Colonial roofing material THATCH
Comes into money, in a way WINSTHELOTTERY
Comes into money, in a way HITSTHEJACKPOT
Comes into money, in a way STRIKESITRICH
Company with a dog in its logo RCA
Concerning INRE
Conifers FIRS
Cooked ___ turn TOA
Crowning glories of some animals MANES
D.C. summer setting EDT
Defrost THAW
Desktop trash can, for one ICON
Did a smith's job SHOD
Do Aspen SKI
Don't include OMIT
Dracula's undoing STAKE
Drains bit by bit NICKELSANDDIMES
Dynamite inventor NOBEL
Ebenezer Scrooge, famously PENNYPINCHER
Emphatic typeface, for short ITAL
Envisages SEES
ER bosses MDS
Expression of pity ALAS
Foreign relations strengthened by financial resources DOLLARDIPLOMACY
Frank OPEN
Genoa export SALAMI
Giving the go-ahead to OKING
Glazier's unit PANE
Gnu feature HUMP
Goofs ERRS
Hardly enthusiastic TEPID
Hayworth's royal hubby KHAN
He wrote "Defense of Fort M'Henry" KEY
Home style TUDOR
Hong Kong housemaids AMAHS
Honor society letter KAPPA
Humdinger LULU
Impostor's cover ALIAS
In ___ (existing) ESSE
Intro to space AERO
Island group near Fiji SAMOA
It results in waste HASTE
Jackie's second ARI
Japanese statesman Hirobumi ITO
Kind of hook LEFT
Clues Answers
Knot distance SEAMILE
Kuwaiti royal EMIR
Legal thing RES
Like ''Lohengrin,'' e.g. OPERATIC
Like Neil Diamond's Caroline SWEET
Lisa's brother BART
Low sound? MOO
Marginal mark, perhaps STET
Meadow, in verse LEA
Medicine container VIAL
Menu creators CHEFS
Mermaid feature TAIL
Minor dispute SPAT
Modern Mesopotamia IRAQ
Most contemptible LOWEST
Moves with a bobbing motion LOLLOPS
Mrs. Sprat's choice FAT
Musical pause REST
New Zealand natives MAORIS
Newspaper pieces ITEMS
Obsolete map abbr. SSR
Olympic measure METER
Opposable digit THUMB
Pandora's boxful ILLS
Part of Caesar's boast VICI
Piqued state SNIT
Powerful equine QUARTERHORSE
Puts on a pedestal EXALTS
Record company EMI
Refuse to accept REJECT
Rock's Cooper ALICE
Rollins and Harris EDS
Ruckus ADO
Salad days YOUTH
Sanctuary HAVEN
Sculpting medium ICE
Seamstress' seams WELTS
Shepherd of rhyme BOPEEP
Small mountain slope SIDEHILL
So much, musically TANTO
Some bandits have one ARM
Sonnyboys LADS
Sound and healthy HALE
Souvenir of the past RELIC
Swiss capital BERN
Tackles again REDOES
Tailor's border HEM
Temporary super star NOVA
Tenor Caruso ENRICO
The first chip, usually ANTE
The i's have it DOT
They're guilty of disorderly conduct SLOBS
Thing to be as happy as CLAM
To the ___ degree NTH
Toward shelter, nautically ALEE
Tribal pole TOTEM
Unforgettable mission ALAMO
Useful word processing feature UNDO
Variety of Spanish liqueur ANIS
Vivacity ELAN
Waited for the green light IDLED
Wicked EVIL
Wish one hadn't RUE
Wool source LLAMA
Word that rhymes with its opposite HIRE
Word with depression or fish TROPICAL
Word with tail or express PONY
WorldCom partner MCI
Wound dressing GAUZE
WWII intelligence agency OSS
You may assume it ALIAS
___ Arbor ANN
___ Pound, poet EZRA
___ vera ALOE
___-Ball: amusement park game SKEE
___-Wan Kenobi OBI