Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 22 2005

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Clues Answers
'. . . . . . is believing' SEEING
A country's income as from taxes REVENUE
A Gaelic son MAC
A thousand million BILLION
Acid contained in nettles FORMIC
An animal of the cat family FELINE
An imposing gate or doorway PORTAL
Arabian goblin with strange powers GENIE
Chest of drawers for lofty lad TALLBOY
Derry's river FOYLE
Done deliberately, not an accident WILFUL
Due from a son or daughter FILIAL
Extinct bird of Mauritius DODO
Fits or covers with glass GLAZES
Gambol, play about CAVORT
Go away suddenly or secretly DECAMP
Hang about doing nothing IDLE
Hinged or removable cover as for bottle LID
I arrive at French holiday region RIVIERA
Indefinite multiple of 22 Across ZILLION
Maintain pace with, don't lag behind KEEPUP
Clues Answers
Major arm joint ELBOW
Mourn or grieve LAMENT
No score in tennis, dear LOVE
Not native - maybe of Niger FOREIGN
Of sound, piercing and high-pitched SHRILL
Please answer the invitation RSVP
Pretty flower or sea animal ANEMONE
Run away from FLEE
S American country, capital Quito ECUADOR
Seaman I found in state of memory loss AMNESIA
Secret like fox's lair COVERT
Smelling bad, stinking FETID
Stiffly formal and proper PRIM
The . . .-Jones Index records share prices on New York Stock Exchange DOW
Think highly of, have regard for ESTEEM
Time allocated for lesson in school PERIOD
Tooth on a wheel COG
Two successive lines of verse, usually rhyming COUPLET
Walk through water or mud WADE
Wander about, roam ROVE
Wrinkles forehead in disapproval SCOWLS