USA Today - Oct 7 2003

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Clues Answers
"Alice's Restaurant" chronicler ARLO
"The Grapes of Wrath" character OKIE
Abbreviated medical plan HMO
Accord requirement GAS
Alley follower OOP
Animal with striped legs OKAPI
Annoyance PEST
Ballpark since '64 SHEA
Bassoon cousin OBOE
Big city threat GANG
Black Death of 14th century Europe, for one EPIDEMIC
Blood component PLASMA
Book before Obadiah AMOS
Change for a fin ONES
Club assessments DUES
Coalitions BLOCS
Coarse tobacco SHAG
Company started by Jobs and Wozniak APPLE
Conciliatory response YES
Contented sighs AHS
Egyptian threats ASPS
Elvis ___ Presley ARON
Fat farms SPAS
French Sudan, today MALI
Garfield's pal ODIE
Grand slam foursome RBIS
Hammer head piece PEEN
Holliday partner EARP
Home of Betelgeuse and Rigel ORION
Horn blower HERBALPERT
Horn blower MILESDAVIS
In need of dehumidification DAMP
Infamous king of the Bible HEROD
Italian dressing? TOGA
Item often knitted BROW
Long, easy stride LOPE
Clues Answers
Make less severe EASE
Media viewpoint SPIN
Mishnah authorities RABBIS
Nixon cohort Rebozo BEBE
Object of devotion IDOL
Paramedics' purpose AID
Patton, to Scott ROLE
Perry's creator ERLE
Place to find popcorn LOBBY
President pro ___ TEM
Return for a buck? BANG
Romanian writer Wiesel ELIE
Rope fiber HEMP
Sales caveat ONAPPROVAL
Secondhand USED
Sell a $20 ticket for $200 SCALP
Seventies sitcom RHODA
Shakespeare's stream AVON
Small progression STEP
Spy Mata HARI
Succotash morsel LIMABEAN
Take the honey and run ELOPE
Trendy HIP
Turbine part VANE
Turned to the right GEED
Vena ___ (vessel to the heart) CAVA
Victorious ONTOP
Wander about ROVE
Was slack-jawed GAPED
When broken, some people get happy, some sad TIE
Wolves, for wolfhounds PREY
Word preceding book and letter OPEN
Word with tick or wind BORNE
Work in oil ART
Wrigley Field path AISLE
WXY buttons NINES
Zip, to Zapata NADA
___ Moines, Iowa DES
___-tzu (reputed founder of Taoism) LAO