Universal - Jul 17 2003

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Clues Answers
"... man ___ mouse?" ORA
"Flash Gordon," e.g. SERIAL
"Great" pope LEOI
"Jungle Book" star SABU
"Open 9 ___ 6" TIL
"Put Your Head on My Shoulder" singer ANKA
"So it was YOU!" AHA
1959 hit by Ritchie Valens DONNA
1997 Peter Fonda title role ULEE
A Jackson JANET
Actor Wallach ELI
Actress Moore DEMI
Adjusts a piano TUNES
Agendas SLATES
American pioneer born 1734 BOONE
Anticipate AWAIT
Author Asimov ISAAC
Author Zola EMILE
Backtalk LIP
Bison feature HUMP
Boeing 747, e.g. JETPLANE
Bowl cry RAH
Bowl over AWE
Bright spot in space NOVA
Bro, for one SIB
Butterfly marking VOTE
C.O.N.T.R.O.L. opposition KAOS
Capital of Italia ROMA
Carla's portrayer RHEA
Cartoon hazards PEELS
Certain writing tool CHALK
Chronic nags SHREWS
Church section APSE
Controversial apple spray ALAR
Coolers PENS
Courtyards ATRIA
Crop up ARISE
Curative REMEDY
Cyclotron bits IONS
Daughter of Homer LISA
Doll's cry MAMA
Dress in finery ARRAY
Dressing choice RANCH
Entertaining time BLAST
Exclusive group of people ELECT
F, G, but not H KEY
Feature of the Earth TILT
First word of a seasonal poem TWAS
Fuji flow LAVA
Go hither and yon ROVE
Go-___ KART
Gooey sound SPLAT
Gore and Sharpton ALS
Greek marketplace AGORA
H. Rider Haggard adventure SHE
Haggard of country music MERLE
Hair problem SPLITEND
Hanging on every word RAPT
Hardly mild FIERY
Hexagonal metal blocks NUTS
Home's opposite AWAY
Humans, among others BIPEDS
In the stomach EATEN
In unison ASONE
Indian bigwig RAJA
Instruction unit STEP
It can move mountains TNT
It was defeated in 1588 ARMADA
It's useful in October RAKE
Clues Answers
Just terrible AWFUL
Kind of cord RIP
King's state MAINE
Kitchen gadget CORER
Lasting starter? EVER
Leatherworking tools AWLS
Less available SCARCER
Liability's opposite ASSET
Mawkish SAPPY
Mecca trek (Var.) HADJ
Milan's La ___ SCALA
Miscellaneous metal SCRAP
Missed ___ (actor's error) ACUE
New Haven school YALE
Out of commission ILL
Overindulgences EXCESSES
Paddock inhabitants FOALS
Paranormal, to some EERIE
Pearl Harbor site OAHU
Phone call? HELLO
Picadors' weapons LANCES
Pinnacle APEX
Place for les enfants ECOLE
Played follow the leader APED
Playful swimmer OTTER
Playground apparatus SEESAW
Playoff coups BYES
Polyphemus' weak spot EYE
Post mortem bio OBIT
Pro ___ RATA
Recycled USED
Resist FEND
Reunion group CLASS
Roulette bet EVEN
Rum-soaked cake BABA
Schindler of "Schindler's List" OSKAR
Schnozz ending OLA
Schooner fillers ALES
Screenwriter Ephron NORA
Secure tightly LASH
Shipwreck refuges RAFTS
Site site WEB
Skip the fancy ceremony ELOPE
Smith, in "The Matrix" AGENT
Some benches PEWS
Some meat FOWL
Sound like a sheep BLEAT
Staff symbol CLEF
Starbucks lure AROMA
Subsides WANES
Sun extensively BAKE
They're eligible for Emmys SOAPS
Threatening action FALSEMOVE
Three words that follow BLUE CHEESEGRASSBOOK
Three words that follow BLUE JEANSPENCILEYED
Three words that follow BLUE STREAKSKYRIBBON
Three words that follow BLUE PRINTWHALEBEARD
Time spans ERAS
Title animal in a famed poem RAVEN
Tone start MONO
Tool for prying CROWBAR
Turn on the faucets WEEP
Type of pie ESKIMO
Unemotional STOLID
Union joiner of 1803 OHIO
Unlike this clue number EVEN
Wedding gown part TRAIN
Whatsoever ANY
Wild West figure WYATTEARP
Winter sports mecca ALPS
Witty West MAE
Word of grace BLESS
World-weary JADED