Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 4 2009

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Clues Answers
A full supply PLENTY
Abbreviate, contract ABRIDGE
Alleged, asserted AVERRED
Arid DRY
Atomiser SPRAY
Bit by bit GRADUAL
By which a family is known SURNAME
Change, modify ALTER
Conclusion, finish END
Condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin C SCURVY
Cunning, wily SLY
Descendent or heir SCION
Extinct bird DODO
Imaginary line around the Earth EQUATOR
In maths, the third power CUBE
Line from centre to edge of a circle RADIUS
More than is right or proper UNDULY
Not subject to, taxation say EXEMPT
One twelfth of a foot INCH
Clues Answers
Ought to SHOULD
Out of the ordinary UNUSUAL
Peruvian of old INCA
Port city of Lebanon TRIPOLI
Replete SATED
Slender structure on some twining plants TENDRIL
Small ball with a hole through the middle BEAD
Smear, daub SMUDGE
Soaring birds of prey EAGLES
Soft leather used for in book binding MOROCCO
Strong thick ropes, of steel say CABLES
Surprise greatly STUN
That feeling where you think a new situation has happened before DEJAVU
The colour of melancholy BLUE
The Red Planet MARS
Thick, dark, sticky liquid TAR
Tiered seats in stadiums STANDS
Unrestrained and violent RAMPANT
Walt ..., film maker DISNEY
Young people YOUTHS