Irish Times (Simplex) - Jul 20 2009

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Clues Answers
Abhorrent or lewd OBSCENE
Affable type of sweet drink? CORDIAL
Akin, associated RELATED
Belonging to the woman HER
Boil slowly SIMMER
Brain-teaser and coarse sieve RIDDLE
Collection of Judaic laws and tradition TALMUD
Complete absence of hope DESPAIR
Continued, endured LASTED
Covering for walls and ceilings PLASTER
Crowd or pack in CRAM
Daze, stupefy STUN
Dissents, balks DEMURS
Diverted, entertained AMUSED
Division of geological time EON
Electrically-charged particles IONS
English author of The Canterbury Tales CHAUCER
Flinches, cringes WINCES
Haircut with only a band of hair down the middle of the scalp MOHICAN
Incline, lean TILT
Clues Answers
Inform on, tell tales SNITCH
International security organisation NATO
Justly, without favouring one party FAIRLY
Leak gradually SEEP
Loose rocks at the base of a cliff SCREE
Narrative song BALLAD
Pal, buddy CHUM
Pungent powder or paste MUSTARD
Rejects with contempt SCORNS
Relative and type of knot GRANNY
Relatively small number FEW
Small fragments SCRAPS
Soak, souse DRENCH
Soaked, sopping SODDEN
Spanish island MENORCA
Take a chance RISK
The lowest point NADIR
Traveller to a distant land VOYAGER
Unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy CARAT
Wager BET
Young eel ELVER