Irish Times (Simplex) - Apr 11 2009

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Clues Answers
A child's dog BOWWOW
A GP needs a good . . . . . . . manner BEDSIDE
Bovines chew it CUD
Daze, overwhelm STUN
Destruction or bankruptcy RUIN
Dry up and perish WITHER
Faulted for failure to meet obligation DEFAULT
Gloomy and resentful SULLEN
Golfer's position for making stroke STANCE
He cuts up and sells meat BUTCHER
Hidden destructive code in computer program VIRUS
Holds in contempt SCORNS
In the way, in France DETROP
Informal champagne BUBBLY
Inhabitant of ancient Peru INCA
Is in great fear of DREADS
Jumps about to get flavouring buds CAPERS
Legendary mariner noted for seven voyages SINBAD
Lie back and relax RECLINE
Made contented sound of cat PURRED
Make clean, clothing or money LAUNDER
Clues Answers
Mark left by wound SCAR
Need for a garden EDEN
Odd kind of drink for sailor RUM
Of pasta or vegetables, firm when bitten ALDENTE
Outbreaks of spots on skin RASHES
Over there YONDER
Pursue for debt DUN
Put off to later time DEFER
Put to flight in disarray ROUT
Rejoiced greatly as in triumph EXULTED
Round of applause, may be standing OVATION
Save from hell or pawn REDEEM
Small stone carved with raised design CAMEO
Story made up of consecutive parts SERIAL
The point on which a lever turns FULCRUM
The poor man's violin FIDDLE
The Scots throw it in sport CABER
The small smallest month FEB
Two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle in ancient Rome CHARIOT
Use fist to pass through perforated container SIFT
Utter a long sad cry WAIL