Irish Times (Simplex) - Nov 5 2007

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Clues Answers
'. . . . . vessels make the most sound' EMPTY
A biblical boat ARK
A cat's cry MIAOW
A gram can for a French brandy ARMAGNAC
A learned Hindu or expert generally PUNDIT
A small fish - bad one DAB
Articles of clothing GARMENTS
Asking her to get loss by wastage SHRINKAGE
Be of help or advantage AVAIL
Breach within a church organisation SCHISM
Deep hole, seems bottomless ABYSS
Drove or ejected from office OUSTED
Estimate the worth or quality of ASSESS
Ex . . . . . . - done as a favour, no charge GRATIA
Facing on the other side OPPOSITE
Farewells in France ADIEUX
Great king of ancient Macedonia ALEXANDER
Hopeful of winning - or ruddy SANGUINE
Clues Answers
Hug with exclamation of disgust UGH
Line showing atmospheric pressure on map ISOBAR
Loop with sliding knot in a rope NOOSE
Male singer with high register TENOR
Munches noisily like winners CHAMPS
Obvious, clearly understood APPARENT
Safe against attack or intrusion SECURE
See . . . . . . . . to be in full agreement EYETOEYE
Sexy lad I find with abnormal spelling difficulty DYSLEXIA
Small explosive - can be damp SQUIB
State of anxiety while waiting SUSPENSE
Subject to strain, as Revenue Commissioners do TAX
Succulent bivalve, may bear a pearl OYSTER
Table containers for salt and pepper CRUETS
The capital of Scotland EDINBURGH
The month of showers APRIL
Throw this on idea to be discouraging COLDWATER