Universal - Mar 30 2003

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Clues Answers
''Norma ---'' RAE
''Portnoy's Complaint'' writer ROTH
''We --- the World'' ARE
Actress Courteney COX
Assemblage GROUP
Becker's channel CBS
Bitter ACERB
Bladed pole HOE
Blood classification ABO
Book before Nehemiah EZRA
Born as NEE
Brainchild IDEA
Break off END
Buckwheat's buddies RASCALS
Camera action PAN
Chevalier of ''Gigi'' MAURICE
City south-east of Amsterdam UTRECHT
Colin Powell's degree MBA
Component used as fertilizer UREA
Concert pianist Gilels EMIL
Curator's employer MUSEUM
Defeat LOSS
Discompose ABASH
Disturbance TODO
Divide REND
Elegant chest of drawers COMMODE
English act of 1715 RIOT
Ex-QB Dawson LEN
Feel empathy RELATE
Fifer's snare drum TABOR
Fills fully SATES
Fragrant firs BALSAMS
Freddy Krueger's street ELM
Gift getter DONEE
Lacking values AMORAL
Large wine cask TUN
Last word, often BYE
Like lymphatic tissue NODAL
Lyrical poem ODE
Mass robe ALB
Clues Answers
Meadow male RAM
Michener epic HAWAII
Nonresident doctor EXTERN
Nota --- (take notice) BENE
Odd-toed ungulate TAPIR
Ostrich kin EMU
Palo --- ALTO
Part of TGIF ITS
PC attachment CRT
Piano pupil's piece ETUDE
Place to stay, for awhile BESTWESTERN
Place to stay, for awhile MARRIOTT
Place to stay, for awhile RADISSON
Place to stay, for awhile HILTON
Place to stay, for awhile RITZCARLTON
Place to stay, for awhile RAMADA
Plant swelling problem EDEMA
Praise to the sky EXTOL
Prepare to be shot POSE
Program interruptions ADS
Readily receive ACCEPT
Refined crude GAS
Rivalrous EMULOUS
Sigma upsilon separator TAU
Sky addition SCRAPER
Smallest degree LEAST
Start to a phone? SAX
Tablelands MESAS
Tattooed lady of song LYDIA
Tend to pressing business? IRON
Third largest island in the world BORNEO
This can get let off STEAM
Treats with milk OREOS
Trunk artery AORTA
Warms the bench SITS
What a hog wants MORE
White House nickname ABE
Word with ready, self or man MADE