Irish Times (Crosaire) - Mar 15 2003

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Clues Answers
A red turn would help him to get up LAD
After a century a divine's fly enough for this CADDIS
Arrived at the half-century and got deserted, perhaps CAMEL
Bits of this fastener turn up STRAP
Gee! That was bright enough to have sounded like 27 across GLOWED
Go there for fruit DOWNTHESTRAND
How grand that the fellow's got charged there MANSION
How much medicine for 20 down around the south? DOSE
How Ted got twisted around the vessel TURNED
How the complement might get cut short CREW
It's sticking out at the side at last LEDGE
It's thought to get a list for one that wants the perfect IDEA
Might he hail the cultivator, by the sound of it? What a drag! ? HEAVEHO
Might you learn from this? Actually, no UNREAL
Neat enough for a jersey COW
No prose, by the sound of it, for this, and no pay, either AMATEUR
Not liking not having to be up with someone HAVINGADOWNON
Nothing, by way of allowance, in a manner of speaking ORATION
On ahead there's a beastly turnover DOGSEAR
Clues Answers
One might treat 27 across getting near to being twisted VETERAN
Pull it back in the lock WARD
See, one needs a barrel with a girl on the end CANNON
Seems it's not up in the North - before blastoff, like THECOUNTYDOWN
Separate way to plunge around the whale DIVORCE
Sounds as if 27 down might go off in church CANON
Sounds like money for one buck DOE
Stuff the king under this - how coarse that would be! SAC
That would be all right and light on board STAR
That's enough to make the gang nervous LION
The knight is back to go back and forth for a dish of it RISOTTO
The saint might scratch it in time STITCH
The way of the premier? DOWNINGSTREET
Twelve each way NOON
When it's finished, this might come to the victor OVER
With you at the double, perhaps, solve this with a pack WOLVES
Would a 35 across be old enough for a dowry? DOTAGE
You totally lacking in wit? Not inside here WITHOUT
You'd get the wind up with such a fuss after the rent TORNADO