Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 11 2003

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Clues Answers
A gully sort of thing CANYON
A gully sort of thing FULMAR
After the North I am light enough to be on the road NIMBUS
Also was in such a hurry at last RAN
Artistry after play after logging DRAWINGSTUMPS
At present the South is so white with the cold SNOW
Be a farmer - there's money in it TILL
Being on the bottom, one is out of breath PANTS
By way of roe in caution CAVIARE
Crosses on foot or on the hoof MULES
For the sake of peace, furl it around the set RESTFUL
Get the drawer back I would for drought ARID
How fishy to have so many sheets at last! BREAM
How the sitter may be dragged towards death DRAWNFROMLIFE
I get a few so female as this WIFE
If you're just a shade grey this might cure you ECRU
Is a sac so blooming yellow as this? CASSIA
It'd be the death of you to have such a large support FATALLY
It's all to the good to take the head off the hound BASSET
Clues Answers
Left alone on a number of occasions, by the sound of it ORPHAN
Let us sound as if they will get firm? COS
Mix it around R and put your foot in it STIRRUP
No attack is needed to take the pale away DEFENCE
On the surface this would seem not to be a singular little flower PLASTER
Perhaps the sort of sand that will get firm SET
Shuts up at last DRAWSTOACLOSE
That'll knock the wind out of you BLOW
That's the drawback to being under control WARD
The bird to make Mother sound like another bird MACAW
The book of the Roman law that I study? LEXICON
The Da is, or he's going to turn up and beat it at last ROSTRUM
The directors have enough pull to make their plans there DRAWINGBOARDS
The longer a sentence, the more it gets like this STIFFER
The sort of starer that the cops are liable to pick up ARREST
The tooth turns up with the crafts on the road (2-5) GOCARTS
Theatrical bucks around the East STAGES
Was Joan around here just a little? ARC
You'd never believe there'd be training over this up here LIAR