New York Times - Feb 19 2003

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Clues Answers
'Fashion Emergency' host EMME
'Get ___ on yourself!' AGRIP
'I'd walk ___ for ...' AMILE
'The Hustler' prop CUE
'The Mikado' character KOKO
1920's Chief Justice TAFT
1965 march city SELMA
Amount wagered STAKE
Angler's gear TACKLE
Approximately CIRCA
Bobby on the ice ORR
Buzzers BEES
Carbolic acid PHENOL
Card player's shout GIN
Carries on RANTS
Chamber phenomenon ECHO
Channel marker BUOY
Characters in cels TOONS
Chops, e.g. MEAT
Circus employee TAMER
Doesn't keep ROTS
Dutch treats? EDAMS
Early shows MATINEES
End of the quote NICERINGTOIT
Expanding grp. NATO
Flexible mineral MICA
Flow's partner EBB
Full of energy GOGO
Game one OPENER
Go for the gold? PAN
Green liqueur ABSINTHE
Ground breaker HOE
H+, e.g. ION
Hence ERGO
High bridge card HONOR
Hoarder's supply CACHE
Item of 5-Down REEL
Kabuki kin NOH
Clues Answers
Lacks, in brief HASNT
Like all primes but one ODD
Like some textbook publishing ELHI
Lode load ORE
Middle of the second century CLI
Monte ___ CARLO
Moving about ASTIR
Nanjing nanny AMAH
Nickname of radio shock jock Greg Hughes OPIE
Ollie's human friend FRAN
Overshoe GALOSH
Patriots' Day month APRIL
Provide pro tem LEND
Put darts into, as a garment TAPER
Quote, part 2 THECHIEFHASA
R.p.m. indicator TACH
Rainbows, e.g. ARCS
Relishes ENJOYS
Rock's Brian ENO
Saharan ARID
Self-assured POISED
Share with the church TITHE
Singer Hayes ISAAC
Slick, in conversation GLIB
Sluggard's sin SLOTH
Slur over ELIDE
Speaker of the quote JOHNFKENNEDY
Speck on a map ISLET
Start of a quote by 53-Across, when asked to name his favorite song ITHINKHAILTO
Start to go? HARDG
Talk (over) HASH
Talk back to SASS
The Andes, e.g. CHAIN
The Charleses' canine ASTA
TV producer Spelling AARON
Units of force DYNES
Verve ELAN
What 'dis' is SLANG