Universal - Feb 14 2003

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Clues Answers
''--- in a Manger'' AWAY
''Bye-bye'' TATA
''Quickly!'' acronym ASAP
''Rag Mop'' brothers AMES
''Xanadu'' band ELO
--- the run (dine hastily) EATON
Abrasion SCRAPE
Absolute, as nonsense UTTER
Almanac topic TIDE
Ancient OLDEN
Apprehension expression UHOH
Approaches NEARS
Attire for Superman CAPE
Auguries OMENS
Author Angelou MAYA
Bacon contemporary? EGG
Beatty of ''Deliverance'' NED
Betel-nut source ARECA
Billionaire Bill GATES
Birds, to biologists AVES
By a nose BARELY
Bygone telephone device DIAL
Canal of renown ERIE
Case for needles and pins ETUI
Cheese in a red shell EDAM
City near Tashkent OSH
City on the Arkansas River TULSA
Coloring matter DYES
Conductor's stick BATON
Couple of quartets OCTET
Culture medium AGAR
Dangerous snake ASP
Debtor's promise IOU
Decorator's decision COLOR
Did a fall job RAKED
Domestic squabble SPAT
Enameled metalware TOLE
Enthusiastic AVID
Entre ___ (between ourselves) NOUS
Euboea's locale GREECE
Exemplar of innocence LAMB
Exteriors OUTSIDES
Farmer's garb, often OVERALLS
Fireside event CHAT
Fortas and Lincoln ABES
Full and satisfied SATED
Fuse measurements AMPS
Garbage pail on some desktops, e.g. ICON
Go-___ (four-wheeled racer) KART
Goes for broke? SPENDS
Greek storyteller AESOP
Grid great Dawson LEN
Gun lobby org. NRA
Heroine of an Austen novel EMMA
Hindu garment SARI
Hindu religious figure SIVA
Home of a busy queen APIARY
Icy cover RIME
If a man does this and 35-A on 55-A, he may wind up saying 8 BUYADIAMONDRING
If it's German, it may be a dog SHEPHERD
Impressive in scale GRAND
Inexpensive inn HOSTEL
It follows a long March APRIL
It was ''Instant'' to John Lennon KARMA
Ivory or Coast, e.g. SOAP
Jack-in-the-pulpit ARUM
Jewelry holder LOBE
Kind of code or rug AREA
Law's partner ORDER
Lawn tool place SHED
Least wild TAMEST
Leftover morsels ORTS
Legal action SUIT
Less contaminated PURER
Life of Riley EASE
Lighthouse site, perhaps ISLET
Clues Answers
Like some cereal OATEN
Like the Arctic GELID
London district SOHO
Melville tale OMOO
Miner's pay dirt ORE
Misogynists, e.g. HATERS
Mother of one across EWE
Moved like lightning TORE
Mukluk, for one BOOT
Musical pause REST
National Gallery East Building designer PEI
Neighbor on ABUT
New car necessities TAGS
New York canal ERIE
Not aweather ALEE
Not quite closed AJAR
Old Tokyo EDO
Paid player PRO
Part of A.D. DOMINI
Pool table rock SLATE
Portable place to sleep COT
Positive thinker PEALE
Prejudice partner in literature PRIDE
PTA milieu ELHI
Rachmaninoff piece ETUDE
Rafter's need OAR
Raise REAR
Rebounds per game, e.g. STAT
Recorded ONTAPE
Reddish-orange dye HENNA
Retained possession KEPT
Ring souvenir? BLACKEYE
River of forgetfulness LETHE
Rooms in Mexico SALAS
Rough file RASP
Seal in the juices SEAR
Sean of ''I Am Sam'' PENN
See 27-Across ATTHEALTAR
Send a wire TELETYPE
Shimon of Israel PERES
Shoe finish SHINE
Soil addition LIME
Some are blind DATES
Some wallet wadding ONES
Spanish painter Jose Maria SERT
Successor to F.D.R. HST
Suffix often denoting great wealth AIRE
Take the plunge (with 49-Across) DECLAREIDO
Tallies ADDS
Termite terror ANTEATER
Texas landmark ALAMO
The Marshall Islands, e.g. ATOLLS
They may be pricked EARS
Tie up the tugboat MOOR
To the point TERSE
Trees with trembling leaves ASPENS
Trunk item SPARE
TV's talking horse MRED
Unit of loudness SONE
Unsers at Indy ALS
Use a swizzle stick STIR
Utterance during a play PSST
Verbal ORAL
Waste away EMACIATE
Waterway between the United Kingdom and Denmark NORTHSEA
When King Lear disinherits Cordelia ACTI
Whitney's partner in engine production PRATT
Wine label word CRU
With eyes wide open AWARE
Word to the chauffeur DRIVE
Word with chimney or clean SWEEP
Words with a ring to them? IDO
Words with high standard SETA