Irish Times (Simplex) - May 11 2000

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Clues Answers
According to the timepiece OCLOCK
Acute, vivid INTENSE
Adoration WORSHIP
And, arithmetically PLUS
Angry disputes ROWS
Appraisal, critical inspectation SURVEY
Arrives at REACHES
Canal boat with a flat bottom LIGHTER
Choose from a number of alternatives SELECT
Comissioned military officer COLONEL
Coral reef off southern coast of Florida KEY
Dried stalks used as fodder or bedding STRAWS
Exhibiting the characteristics that identify a category TYPICAL
Force, controlling influence 95) POWER
Forty winks NAP
Greek fabulist AESOP
Hindu philosophical system YOGA
Honours or shows of appreciation REWARDS
It turns litmus red ACID
Jumped lightly HOPPED
Lightly, mildly, softly GENTLY
Clues Answers
Look attentively WATCHED
Mannequin MODEL
Moderately dry, champagne say SEC
Money available to borrow CREDIT
Money available to produce interest CAPITAL
Moulding at the top of a wall COVING
nevertheless, no matter what ANYWAY
Obligation, responsibility DUTY
Of a female HER
Performing, behaving ACTING
Place for the practice of an art STUDIO
Published, brought out ISSUED
Requiring less effort EASIER
Set free from harm and evil RESCUE
Sloping mass of rocks at the base of a cliff SCREE
Slumbering ASLEEP
Surprise greatly, knock someone''s socks off STUN
The or a ARTICLE
Unit equal to 4 quarts GALLON
Unit of length INCH
You, poetically THOU