Irish Times (Crosaire) - Apr 6 1999

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Clues Answers
And it's about 2 x 10 in size EXTENT
As this tries, in a manner of speaking SAYS
Come again to harvest the fruit REAPPEAR
Faithful to the CNN - toast it! CONSTANT
Gee! That composer comes in bits GRAVEL
How I allow it to be in a conservative setting for cosmetic effect TOILETRY
How Prudence and Edward got cut down to size PRUNED
How useful he is to pass around many in a mess HANDYMAN
If nothing else, this gets at the stale mixture ATLEAST
In time time this might be up for discussion DEBATE
Is Charles for the priest till all is blue? CHASUBLE
Is that something about the origins of initiative? RESOURCE
It'll calm them down if you put a hundred in the plate PLACATE
It's fatal to have dismissed a Member like this FIREDAMP
Might 'e drag this for improvement? UPGRADE
Nothing save this? EXPEND
Clues Answers
One is confident that tea decays as iron does TRUSTS
One may not be agreeable to being a castaway REFUSE
Room to get a little turn-up in what's for the minstrel LEEWAY
Royalty incorporated in the newspapers? PRINCESS
Similar to sagacity and so too LIKEWISE
That's the sort of charge that will give one a thumping time POUNDAGE
The sort of pass that may make one pass away ASPS
The way to get rid of the fish in batter DUMPLING
The way to get to N.I. and get to bed TURNIN
There you've got a fridge for a whole beast at last ICEBOX
Very little, yet half the alphabet ATOM
Well, that won't get the boy like this SICKEN
Well, that's to make your end well HEALTHY
What happens at noon may be made AMENDS
What's left after the Lord's amputation may get uprooted by delivery LEGSTUMP
Will nothing give employment in Yorkshire? OUSE