Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 3 2010

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Clues Answers
'-- miracle!' ITSA
'Ad -- per aspera' (Kansas' motto) ASTRA
'This one's --' ONME
'What's the --?' ('So?') DIF
'Why should -- you?' ILET
-- above the rest ACUT
-- matter of course ASA
1953 MGM musical LILI
5-Down's call BAA
Actress Dunaway FAYE
Actress Hunt HELEN
Adopting gradually PHASINGIN
Adriatic or Aegean SEA
Alternative to coffee TEA
Ammonia derivative AMIDE
Andean ancient INCAN
Angel player Della REESE
As a result of DUETO
As red as -- ABEET
Assessed, with 'up' SIZED
Autocrat of old TSAR
Autos CARS
Barroom fight BRAWL
Baseball Hall-of-Famer Roush EDD
Be able to identify RECOGNIZE
Be the headliner of STARIN
Birds' homes NESTS
Bit of hair TRESS
Boozer LUSH
Cancels ANNULS
Carry out FULFILL
Citi Field team METS
Come to -- (close) ANEND
Contract extension RENEWAL
Crme de -- MENTHE
Dairy Queen treat CONE
Day, in Spain DIA
Do needlework SEW
Duck's pair WEBFEET
Dwindle EBB
East Asian desert GOBI
Ed with many Emmys ASNER
Editing mark CARET
Electra's brother ORESTES
Elton John's 1970s label MCA
End of the riddle MIGHTITBECALLED
Ends early, as a launch ABORTS
Entitle NAME
ET's ride UFO
Explorer Hernando de -- SOTO
Falcon claw TALON
First letter of the Hebrew alphabet ALEPH
Fix, as the end of a pool cue RETIP
Food herring SHAD
Gasp for air PANT
GI morale booster USO
Good traits ASSETS
Greatest in stature TALLEST
Harriet's hubby on 'Little House on the Prairie' NELS
Harsh cleanser LYE
Hearing pair EARS
Hollywood's Lamarr HEDY
Hotel units: Abbr. RMS
Hydrocarbon ending ENE
Inferior TWOBIT
Intoxicate INEBRIATE
Islamic sect SHIA
Italy's Pier -- Pasolini PAOLO
Japanese horseradish WASABI
Jr. officer ENS
Keats, e.g. POET
Clues Answers
Kind of race RELAY
Lamb-and-pita sandwich GYRO
Lawn intruder WEED
Lay eyes on BEHOLD
Like a banjo TWANGY
Like a snob HAUGHTY
Like machines that aren't sophisticated LOWTECH
Lingerie top BRA
Lip balm additive ALOE
Makes ecstatic ELATES
Manhattan area with an annual film festival TRIBECA
Many an early PC IBM
Mao -- -tung TSE
Maple fluid SAP
Monet's forte ART
Murray or Rice ANNE
Nero's 1,502 MDII
Nov. preceder OCT
Of hearing AURAL
Old codgers COOTS
Old Iranian leaders SHAHS
Paint unskillfully DAUB
Pale-looking PASTY
Permission to leave DISMISSAL
Phobia FEAR
Play a guitar STRUM
Point (to) REFER
Pouch, to an anatomist SAC
Prefix with marketer TELE
Preliminary comment INTRO
Psyche division EGO
Ram's mate EWE
Relative of -ette ENNE
Relative of equi- ISO
Relished ENJOYED
Riddle, part 4 ALWAYSFINDING
Ruby-hued RED
Salem-to-Portland dir. NNE
Scheming SLY
Send forth EMIT
Shout YELL
Simple chord TRIAD
Simple flower cluster RACEME
Six for a TD PTS
Sneak off to say 'I do' ELOPE
Spanish for 'eight' OCHO
Sprightly AGILE
Sprightly SPRY
Spying setup TAP
Start of a riddle IFTHEREHADBEENA
Streamlined, briefly AERO
Stretch over SPAN
Strike -- (model) APOSE
Successor of Moses JOSHUA
Take a -- (attempt) STABAT
Tennis player Arthur ASHE
Tenor Lanza MARIO
Texas city or county ELPASO
Three, in Taranto TRE
Tickle AMUSE
Toast topping OLEO
Toby drink ALE
Took to the jailhouse RANIN
Tranquil ATPEACE
Waggish DROLL
When p.m. starts NOON
Wry Bombeck ERMA