Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jul 25 2010

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Clues Answers
'Be that as it may ...' EVENSO
'By Jove!' EGADS
'Life -- a dream' ISBUT
'Picnic' actress Kim NOVAK
'Take that!' HAH
'The Fresh Prince of -- -Air' BEL
-- -Caps (theater candy) SNO
-- -Mart (big retail chain) WAL
-- cost (on the house) ATNO
-- es Salaam DAR
-- rest (bury) LAYTO
-- vera ALOE
1980s police drama HILLSTREETBLUES
3 R's gp NEA
A deadly sin PRIDE
Accra locale GHANA
Alternative to a Twinkie HOHO
Antique shop transaction RESALE
Aspiring WOULDBE
Awful rackets DINS
Beam of light RAY
Became angry GOTMAD
Being acquitted, in slang BEATINGTHERAP
Bi- cubed OCTA
Big galoot OAF
Big galoot APE
Bighorn male RAM
Bit of work ERG
Bits of salt DASHES
Bizarre ODD
Boston fish COD
Brazenness NERVE
Bullring holler OLE
Bundt cake baker's need TUBEPAN
Capitalize on USE
Central point NUB
Cereal bowl sounds SNAPCRACKLEPOP
China's Chou En- -- LAI
City lights NEONS
Compulsive lifter KLEPTO
Crying sound WAH
Dahl of films ARLENE
Debate ARGUE
Diacritical mark under a 'c' CEDILLA
Dress up in WEAR
Drudge's life RATRACE
DVD player brand RCA
Educ. org. PTA
Emphasize ACCENT
Ending for ethyl ENE
Ending for Siam ESE
Evidence of a mistake ERASURE
Fine and dandy AOK
Five-time French Open winner Rafael NADAL
Flimsy THIN
Fork over SPEND
Funeral bell KNELL
Gadgeteer's acquisition PATENT
Garbo of 'The Kiss' GRETA
Give the title DUB
Given (to) APT
Go under SINK
Goldberg of 'Sister Act' WHOOPI
Happy -- in mud ASAPIG
Hide in shame, figuratively CRAWLUNDERAROCK
Hip, updated REALCOOL
Husband of Pompeia CAESAR
Is for two? ARE
Jacuzzi HOTTUB
Clues Answers
Jacuzzi sitter's sigh AAH
Jannings or Z‡topek EMIL
Keystone -- (comic lawman) KOP
Koppel or Kennedy TED
Lendee's slip IOU
Less typical RARER
Llama's kin CAMEL
Lop- -- rabbit EARED
Loveliness BEAUTY
Make up for ATONE
Med. care provider HMO
Memorizes again RELEARNS
MGM roarer LEO
Milk source COW
MOMA locale NYC
More nuanced SUBTLER
Musket, e.g. GUN
Neverland's Peter PAN
Not cooked RAW
Not enough room to swing -- ACAT
Noted period ERA
Opening up completely BARINGONESSOUL
Other choice that's practical VIABLEALTERNATIVE
Pancake toppers SYRUPS
Parkay product OLEO
Part of a U.S. election map REDSTATE
PC-to-PC linkup LAN
People with laid-back lifestyles SIMPLEFOLK
Per unit APIECE
Permission CONSENT
Phnom -- PENH
Prefix with impressionist NEO
Prefix with stop or stick NON
Puppies WHELPS
Purchase BUY
Rather poky SLOWISH
Really enjoy SAVOR
Reverse of ENE WSW
Samson's undoer DELILAH
Set foot in ENTER
Sign off on AGREETO
Silvery hair color ASHGRAY
Slammer CAN
Slammer residents CONS
Slangy denial NAW
Space genre SCIFI
Spurs' org. NBA
Star pitcher ACE
Street tumult RIOT
Strike lightly and repeatedly TAPON
Suffix with cook ERY
Suffix with special IST
Superman player Christopher REEVE
Supermodel Campbell NAOMI
Surfacing goo TAR
Swing to and fro SWAY
The whole -- SHEBANG
Third-world nation DEVELOPINGCOUNTRY
Three, to Mario TRE
Tie-breaking periods: Abbr. OTS
Tinkered TOYED
Truck lineup CONVOY
Unhealthful dietary intake, briefly SATFAT
Volkswagen hatchback GTI
Wall climber IVY
Western bar SALOON
Whittle away ERODE
Wiesel with a Nobel ELIE
Wishy- -- WASHY
Worthy of a title NAMEABLE
Zurich native SWISS