Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jul 5 2009

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Clues Answers
'-- Almighty' (2007 film) EVAN
'-- luck!' LOTSA
'-- me' ('My treat') ITSON
'-- you happy now?' ARE
'--, Father, for I have sinned' BLESSME
'... borrower -- a lender be' NOR
'Amerika' author Franz KAFKA
'Baby Doll' director Kazan ELIA
'Get Smart' star Don ADAMS
'House' actor Omar EPPS
'How sad!' ALAS
'If -- Hammer' IHADA
'Kate & Allie' actress Meyers ARI
'My Friend --' (film about a horse) FLICKA
'Shucks!' GEE
'The Chronicles of Narnia' author CSLEWIS
'The Count of -- Cristo' MONTE
'What's the --?' DIF
-- du Diable ILE
-- few rounds GOA
-- Paulo, Brazil SAO
-- speak (as it were) SOTO
10-cent coin DIME
Accept, as a challenge STEPUPTO
Actor Christian SLATER
Actor Sean and family PENNS
Actress Spacek SISSY
Added filing aids to TABBED
Address for Rabbit or Fox BRER
Angling need REEL
Arrival ADVENT
Authorizes OKS
Bed linens SHEETS
Bern's river AAR
Blast cause TNT
Body part with a nail TOE
Bone of the forearm ULNA
Book that holds photos ALBUM
Boxing stat TKO
Bro's sibling SIS
By way of VIA
Can't help but NEEDTO
Cloaked HID
Clumsy one OAF
Concoct DEVISE
Cozy eatery CAFE
Cushions PADS
Customary STANDARD
Decaf coffee brand SANKA
Decided in advance PREDETERMINED
Delicate DAINTY
Do penance ATONE
Dry as -- ABONE
Eight-piece bands OCTETS
Enticing sort LURER
Fashion plate's forte STYLE
Fertility goddess ISIS
Flagrant BLATANT
Flood preventer LEVEE
Former Iranian ruler SHAH
Fortress wall PARAPET
Four Holy Roman emperors OTTOS
Frigid finish? AIRE
Full-blown ALLOUT
Gave relief EASED
Greek consonants ZETAS
Greek god of love EROS
Half of a 45 record BSIDE
Half of MIV DII
Hedy of Hollywood LAMARR
Held dear ADORED
Clues Answers
Henna hue AUBURN
High-pH substance ALKALI
Hooked up again RELINKED
How to avoid the draft MOVETOAFOREIGNCOUNTRY
How to avoid the draft JOINATEAMASAFREEAGENT
How to avoid the draft ORDERBEERINBOTTLES
How to avoid the draft INSULATETHEWINDOWS
How to avoid the draft PENAFINALVERSIONFIRST
Inferior to UNDER
Jason's ship, in myth ARGO
K-12 org. PTA
Kind of mustard DIJON
Lacking width and depth, briefly ONED
Light oars SCULLS
Little guitar UKE
Locality AREA
Luau necklace LEI
Lumberjack, e.g. WOODSMAN
Lustful man SATYR
Makes aware CLUESIN
Many August babies LEOS
Map blowups INSETS
Milwaukee-to-Miami dir. SSE
Monk's title FRA
NASCAR event airer ESPN
Neighbor of Wyo. and Ia. SDAK
Next in line ONDECK
Nicholas I and others TSARS
Old Chevy CAMARO
One of the dancing Astaires ADELE
Orig. copies MSS
Orly article UNE
Patent seeker INVENTOR
Pirate in 'Peter Pan' SMEE
Port in Spain CADIZ
Product plugs ADS
Property destroyer VANDAL
Pub brew ALE
Ran fast TORE
Rankle IRK
Rat- -- (drumbeat) ATAT
React to a severe blow SEESTARS
Reposes LIES
Rikki-Tikki- -- (Kipling mongoose) TAVI
Ruins totally DOESIN
Scot's denial NAE
Sea floors BEDS
Self-esteem EGO
Shoulder blade bones SCAPULAS
Simulate, as a war battle REENACT
Skirt style ALINE
Slow Cuban dance HABANERA
Smidge BIT
Smidge DAB
Smoked fish EEL
Stand for art EASEL
Start for 'while' ERST
Stave off RESIST
Technical sgt., e.g. NCO
That, in 1-Across ESA
Toronto native ONTARIAN
Tough work LABOR
TV's 'Science Guy' Bill NYE
Unlock, to a bard OPE
V-neck garments SWEATERS
Versified tributes ODES
Virtuoso MAESTRO
Winter precipitation SNOW
Wise Greek goddess ATHENA
Year- -- -glance ATA