Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 7 2008

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'-- be my pleasure' ITD
'-- in the Rain' SINGIN
'Hulk' director Lee ANG
'It's -- cause' ALOST
'Walk On By' songwriter Burt BACHARACH
'War and Peace' novelist TOLSTOY
'What was -- do?' ITO
'Wishing will make --' ITSO
'Yuk!' UGH
-- -breath BABYS
-- and aah OOH
-- Darya (Asian river) AMU
-- Kippur YOM
-- Lanka SRI
-- of error MARGIN
-- Pet (novelty gift) CHIA
-- thin air INTO
-- time (not even once) ATNO
12:00 p.m. NOON
1972 Lemmon/Wilder film AVANTI
1995-2007 French president CHIRAC
A wee hour TWOAM
Actress Massey ILONA
Add- -- (extras) ONS
Alfalfa's gal DARLA
Angle measures RADIANS
Arranged like a ladder SCALAR
Aware of the joke INONIT
Basker's goal SUNTAN
Berate loudly SHOUTAT
Breaking up and scattering DISSIPATING
Bricklayer's stuff MORTAR
British rule in India RAJ
Carter and Tan AMYS
Central American country PANAMA
Chanted formulas MANTRAS
Concerning ASTO
Cooks over an open fire ROASTS
Dalai -- (chief Tibetan monk) LAMA
Daytime drama celebrity SOAPSTAR
Deed ACT
Designer Gernreich RUDI
Disney deer BAMBI
Double-deck card game CANASTA
Eagles' org. BSA
Eritrea's capital ASMARA
Even a bit ATALL
Fallen space station MIR
Fancy bed covering CANOPY
Floral oil ATTAR
Geometric curves PARABOLAS
Golfer -- Aoki ISAO
Greek letter PHI
Greek letter OMICRON
Headed for in a hurry RANTO
Heap TON
Hershey's toffee bar SKOR
Hidden filmers, for short SPYCAMS
Hindu royal RANI
Hissy fit TANTRUM
Incite SPUR
Inner layer LINING
Insect that's 'praying' MANTIS
Interstate exits RAMPS
Japanese straw mat TATAMI
Jargon SLANG
Clues Answers
Keen-edged SHARP
Kingston native JAMAICAN
Kitchen pest ANT
Korea-China border river YALU
Like Papa Bear's porridge TOOHOT
Like some gravy LUMPY
Like the letter E in this entire puzzle's solution MISSING
Lingers WAITS
Many Bob Marley fans RASTAS
Mark of shame STIGMA
Mechanical men, briefly BOTS
Merriment MIRTH
Mil. rank CPL
Music genre SOUL
Not poetic PROSY
Ocasek or Flair RIC
One with a shaman's beliefs ANIMIST
Orchestral kettledrums TIMPANI
Overstuff CRAM
Ovid's 650 DCL
Papyrus manuscript SCROLL
Pasta sauce MARINARA
Patriotic org. DAR
People in college, e.g. SCHOLASTICS
Pet rescue org. SPCA
Philadelphia suburb or college BRYNMAWR
Place in groups ASSORT
Pool shots CAROMS
Pouches SACS
Prefaces INTROS
Prefix meaning 'time' CHRONO
Products of sheep coats WOOLS
Q followers RSTU
QB coups TDS
Retired jet SST
Rigidly straight, as after being startled BOLTUPRIGHT
Rock layers STRATA
Roger Ebert, e.g. CRITIC
Roman historian TACITUS
Sarge, e.g. NONCOM
Seance medium, e.g. SPIRITIST
Small drums TABORS
Small hotel INN
Small landing fields AIRSTRIPS
Small, seedless raisins CURRANTS
Smoked deli beef PASTRAMI
Some iPods MINIS
Some residents of China MANCHURIANS
Some Toyotas CAMRYS
Soup holder CAN
Spanish explorer who discovered the Grand Canyon CORONADO
Stacking PILING
Still owed UNPAID
Stranded gene stuff RNA
Technique of hand-dyeing fabrics BATIKART
Theater awards TONYS
To no -- (useless) AVAIL
Unimportant MINOR
Use a shovel on DIGAT
Vendor's small vehicle HANDCART
Wander ROAM
War zone of the '60s NAM
Win -- nose BYA
With respect to one's interactions with other people SOCIALLY
Yellow Italian cheese ASIAGO