Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 16 2007

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Clues Answers
'-- Blue' (cop show) NYPD
'Dr.' who raps DRE
'Ginger (Eleanor Estes kids book)' --' PYE
'Pee- -- Big Adventure' WEES
'Sands of -- Jima' IWO
'The battle --!' ISWON
-- cuisine HAUTE
-- Lingus (carrier to Dublin) AER
2005 Best Director -- Lee ANG
Accepted, as a challenge TOOKON
Actor DeVito DANNY
Actress Andress URSULA
Actress Papas IRENE
Advice for a bird that should apologize? ORIOLEBESORRY
African expedition SAFARI
Alternate spelling of a wd. VAR
Alternative to a PC MAC
Anatomical sac CYST
Angry MAD
Barn bird OWL
Basic algebra expressions BINOMIALS
Be irate SEETHE
Beau of Nancy Drew NED
Beers in Britain ALES
Biblical suffix ETH
Big flap ADO
Bird from long ago? WAYBACKWREN
Bird that's a relative? GULLINTHEFAMILY
Bird's cravings? CARDINALDESIRES
Blend MIX
Brownish yellow color OCHER
Calling costs TOLLS
Capital on the Seine PARIS
Capitol Hill VIP SEN
Caribbean scuba spot ARUBA
Catch in the act NAIL
Celestial path ORBIT
Chalupa kin TACO
Chaney of old horror LON
Choir song HYMN
Cleopatra's river NILE
Come in last LOSE
Comment after your bird does something crude? PARDONMYFINCH
Composer Mahler GUSTAV
Conquer BEAT
Demean ABASE
Draw in LURE
Eat a bit of TASTE
Ending of pasta names INI
Extremely VERY
Extremely SORELY
Feel ill will at RESENT
Ferdinand or Imelda MARCOS
Film director Mervyn LEROY
Fla. retirement city, briefly STPETE
Fodder tower SILO
Frying pans SKILLETS
Furthermore AND
Genetic material DNA
Go by plane FLY
Habitually OFTEN
Had life WAS
Hanging loop NOOSE
Have life EXIST
Having on footwear SHOD
Hog hangout STY
Hog sound SNORT
Holbrook of 'The Fog' HAL
Clues Answers
Horizontal FLAT
Ice sheet FLOE
Idiot boxes TVS
Impelled GOADED
In one piece INTACT
In re ASTO
It follows pi RHO
It's opposite IX on clocks III
J-N connection KLM
James of 'Las Vegas' CAAN
Jewish temple SHUL
Just-washed CLEAN
Knocks sharply RAPS
Lead-in to a bit of gossip IHEARD
Livy's language LATIN
Longest Swiss river AARE
Lord's wife LADY
Make -- (do something with) USEOF
Make a speech ORATE
Marketed SOLD
Mauna -- (Hawaiian volcano) LOA
Mined rocks ORE
Nerdy type DWEEB
New -- (India's capital) DELHI
Notes between fa and ti SOLA
Old Chevy model IMPALA
Only thing that doesn't fit in ODDONEOUT
Overly TOO
Part of YSL YVES
PC monitor type LCD
Plum center PIT
Poet T.S. -- ELIOT
Poison ivy's cousin SUMAC
Praise-filled poems ODES
Prefix with van MINI
Prejudiced person BIGOT
Put out a new printing of REISSUE
Qatar's land ARABIA
Rake prongs TINES
Range of vision EYESHOT
Realtor's unit LOT
River to the Missouri PLATTE
Roost where a bird sits and vocalizes? ONETOCROWON
Run (go berserk: Var.) -- AMUCK
Saturates SOAKS
Sculpting materials CLAYS
Seldom seen RARE
Sharif of 'Ashanti' OMAR
Signs of healing SCABS
Stars with young fans TEENIDOLS
State in NE India ASSAM
Stimulates WHETS
Substitutes (for) SITSIN
The 'A' of ETA: Abbr. ARR
The yellow Teletubby LAALAA
Theology subj. REL
They're between els and ens EMS
Tryster with Tristan ISOLDE
Twilights DUSKS
University VIP DEAN
Vestige TRACE
Watch over TEND
Weeding tool HOE
Winning sign VEE
Young man LAD
Zadora and others PIAS