Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 12 2007

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Clues Answers
'--'s Gold (Fonda film)' ULEE
'--'s Gold (Fonda film)' ULEE
'Got ya!' AHA
'Keep hanging on!' DONTLETGO
'Nice going' GOODJOB
'Nice going' GOODJOB
'One Day -- Time' ATA
'Sabrina' star Julia ORMOND
'Thar -- blows!' SHE
'Thar -- blows!' SHE
'The World According to --' GARP
'There was an old woman who lived in --' ASHOE
-- acid (a B vitamin) FOLIC
-- de Janeiro RIO
-- de Janeiro RIO
-- del Vaticano CITTA
24-hr. cash source ATM
Actor MacLachlan KYLE
Actor MacLachlan KYLE
Ancient Greek satirist LUCIAN
Ancient Greek satirist LUCIAN
Any of several old Russ. states SSR
Area in Queens ASTORIA
Arias, e.g. SOLOS
Attack like an alligator SNAPAT
Attack like an alligator SNAPAT
Attribute of snakes and worms NOLEGS
Backpacked beast ASS
Barracks VIP NCO
Bear, in Bogota OSO
Beatty or Rorem NED
Big game show prize NEWCAR
Big game show prize NEWCAR
British queen ANNE
Bronze, e.g. ALLOY
Bronze, e.g. ALLOY
Brooklyn art school PRATT
Brooklyn art school PRATT
Butter units STICKS
Butter units STICKS
Calf roper's event RODEO
Calf roper's event RODEO
Camera brand LEICA
Chicken bits NUGGETS
Cold-water fishes CODS
Cold-water fishes CODS
Colonnade PORTICO
Colonnade PORTICO
Congress mem. REP
Cosine's reciprocal SECANT
Cosine's reciprocal SECANT
Country star McEntire REBA
Country star McEntire REBA
Dandy's tie ASCOT
Despot Amin IDI
Despot Amin IDI
Detonate GOOFF
Diamond great Mel OTT
Diamond great Mel OTT
Doctrinal suffix ISM
Enunciate SAY
Enunciate SAY
Explosive trial, briefly ATEST
Explosive trial, briefly ATEST
Fairness-in-hiring abbr. EEO
Fairness-in-hiring abbr. EEO
Faithfulness LOYALTY
Faithfulness LOYALTY
Fathers DADS
Food preservative abbr. BHT
French city known for its mineral water VICHY
French city known for its mineral water VICHY
Fruity desserts TARTS
Fruity desserts TARTS
Give a new outfit to RESUIT
Glob of gum WAD
Good-lookers CUTIES
Good-lookers CUTIES
Govt. media watchdog FCC
Gretzky's org. NHL
Gretzky's org. NHL
Had an urge YENNED
Had an urge YENNED
Harvard student, informally CANTAB
Harvard student, informally CANTAB
Have creditors OWE
Have creditors OWE
Clues Answers
Hawaiian guitar briefly, UKE
Head, in Nice TETE
Head, in Nice TETE
Her looks could kill MEDUSA
Her looks could kill MEDUSA
High cloud CIRRUS
In a lather UPSET
Jam-packed FULL
Jam-packed FULL
Just baked FRESH
Just baked FRESH
Karl Marx's '-- Kapital' DAS
Karl Marx's '-- Kapital' DAS
Khartoum's river NILE
Khartoum's river NILE
Knitting stuff YARN
Knitting stuff YARN
Lay lawn on SOD
Least refined CRUDEST
Magazine for Madison Ave. types ADWEEK
Makes great progress GETSFAR
Makes great progress GETSFAR
Nautical pole MAST
Nero's 450 CDL
Nero's 450 CDL
New York NBA team KNICKS
Norma -- (Field part) RAE
Norma -- (Field part) RAE
Old Ford car model FAIRMONT
Old Ford car model FAIRMONT
On -- with (comparable to) APAR
One + one TWO
Passing grade CEE
Pele's sport SOCCER
Performs a pat-down on FRISKS
Performs a pat-down on FRISKS
Permeate IMBUE
Physicist Enrico FERMI
Playground retort DOESTOO
Prefix with -clast ICONO
Prefix with -clast ICONO
Prefix with center or dermis EPI
Prefix with center or dermis EPI
Prevailed WON
Prior to, in verse ERE
Pro and con SIDES
Probability ODDS
Product maker: Abbr. MFR
Product maker: Abbr. MFR
Protrude JUT
Protrude JUT
Psyche division EGO
Psyche division EGO
Read quickly SKIM
Read quickly SKIM
Resort city southeast of Orlando PALMBAY
Rip again RETEAR
Road goo TAR
Road goo TAR
Scotch -- TAPE
Scrooge's outburst BAH
Sentra producer NISSAN
Sentra producer NISSAN
She's a newlywed BRIDE
Some big-budget films EPICS
Some big-budget films EPICS
Spanish cry of exuberance ARRIBA
Start-up loan org. SBA
Start-up loan org. SBA
Summer drink ADE
Surfing mecca? THEWEB
Takes over USURPS
Takes over USURPS
Tap for liquid SPIGOT
The way things currently stand ASITIS
Three-part vacuum tube TRIODE
Three-part vacuum tube TRIODE
Tied the knot again REMARRIED
Tied the knot again REMARRIED
Touch up text EDIT
Tropical parrot MACAW
Tylenol rival ANACIN
Tylenol rival ALEVE
Tylenol rival ALEVE
Uncle's other half AUNT
Unger on 'The Odd Couple' FELIX
Unsullied PURE
Used a couch SAT
Used a couch SAT
Values highly ESTEEMS
Values highly ESTEEMS
Vast time frame EON
Vast time frame EON
Venus de -- MILO
Washington baseball team, for short NATS
Wearing down ABRADING
With, in France AVEC
WWW periodical EMAG
Yard pest MOLE