Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 3 2007

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Clues Answers
'-- said all along ...' ASIVE
'Como esta --?' USTED
'Either she goes -- go!' ORI
'I Still Get --' (1930 hit) ATHRILL
'The Ice Storm' director Lee ANG
'Whatever -- Wants' LOLA
1606-16 chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas SIREDWARDCOKE
1976 Broadway revival that ran for 13 years OHCALCUTTA
1996 presidential hopeful Alexander LAMAR
Aardvarks eat them ANTS
Actor Peter LORRE
Alternative to Popeyes KFC
Antiquated OLD
Apartment VIPs, for short SUPES
Appropriate to FITFOR
Archaic verb ending ETH
Astonish AWE
Author Rand AYN
Baldwin of 'Beetlejuice' ALEC
Bandleader Shaw ARTIE
Bitter- -- (diehard) ENDER
Bob of 'All That Jazz' FOSSE
Boring routines RUTS
Bride-to-be FIANCEE
Cantatas' kin MOTETS
Central idea GIST
Certain fairy of folklore WATERSPRITE
Chaney of old films LON
Chop off LOP
Clear away ERASE
Colander SIEVE
Consenting replies YESES
Contracted involuntarily SPASMED
Country's McEntire REBA
Coupe, e.g. CAR
Cranky folks CRABS
Cyclist's water holder SQUIRTBOTTLE
Deli subs HEROS
Depicting ordinary people's everyday events SLICEOFLIFE
Director Sergio LEONE
Dirty, run-down digs RATTRAP
Does a pat-down on FRISKS
Double -- Oreos STUF
Endured longer than OUTWORE
Eternities AEONS
Exclude DEBAR
Eye, in verse ORB
Fable author AESOP
Fairy kin ELF
Female rat DOE
Film director Ephron NORA
Financial resources FUNDS
Fish stories YARNS
Flitting one DARTER
Gladden ELATE
Greek letter CHI
H.S. subject ENG
Had a vision DREAMED
Has it wrong ERRS
Have a go at TRY
Herald, as a new year USHERIN
Historic periods ERAS
Humorist Shriner WIL
Ice skater Hughes SARAH
In la-la land (Var.) SPACY
Inning's six OUTS
Inside info DOPE
Island in the Gulf of Guinea SAOTOME
L. -- Hubbard RON
Clues Answers
Large eels CONGERS
Lays a lawn on SODS
Leaves port SAILS
Life story, briefly BIO
Lobby org. PAC
Missouri-to-Maine dir. ENE
Most creepy EERIEST
Narrow valley GLEN
Native New Zealander MAORI
Needy POOR
New York team METS
NFL coach Mike DITKA
Off-white CREAM
One-named Nigerian singer SADE
Open field LEA
Opposite of max. MIN
Perth --, New Jersey AMBOY
Phnom --, Cambodia PENH
Playwright Clifford ODETS
Polar explorer Richard BYRD
Pollen, e.g. ALLERGENIC
Posh party GALA
Prefix with state TRI
Prescription quantities DOSES
Price place TAG
Protestant work -- ETHIC
Psych 101 topic EGO
R2-D2, e.g. DROID
Ready to try for a homer ATBAT
Remains STAYS
Removed the middle of CORED
Rhyme user POET
River through Iraq TIGRIS
Roped in ENTICED
Royal sport POLO
Ruby or Sandra DEE
Schoolroom spinner GLOBE
Shin locale LEG
Singer Della REESE
Skulk about PROWL
Soap brand IVORY
Soap brand DIAL
Springy dances JIGS
Sprinted RAN
St. intersectors AVES
Suffix with glob or duct ULE
Taxing trip TREK
Tending to one's own needs SELFCARE
Theme of this puzzle SOFTDRINKBRANDS
They lay nits LICE
They nap noisily SNORERS
Tiny bits IOTAS
Titanic's call SOS
Tommie of the 93-Down AGEE
Track shape OVAL
TV producer RCA
Twin of Jacob ESAU
Twisted letter ESS
Uninspired BLAH
Victor Hugo's '-- Miserables' LES
Wading bird CRANE
What an idealist may be shocked with JOLTOFREALITY
William Shatner's '--War' TEK
Witty bit QUIP
Write out in another language TRANSCRIBE
Year, on the Yucatan ANO
Young puppy love TEENAGECRUSH
Zsa Zsa's sister EVA