Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 15 2010

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Clues Answers
'Candide' author VOLTAIRE
'Peter Pan' pooch NANA
-- carte ALA
-- out a living EKE
A huge amount TONS
Agile SPRY
Arctic diving bird AUK
At the summit of ATOP
Can material TIN
Carafe, e.g. BOTTLE
Challenges DARES
Chewy candy NOUGAT
Cicatrix SCAR
Culture medium AGAR
Despot CZAR
Distant FAR
Egyptian capitalists? CAIRENES
Enthusiastic AGOG
Formerly, formerly ERST
Fuss ADO
Galley array OARS
Give as an example CITE
Gives a darn CARES
Good as new REPAIRED
Half the weekend SUNDAY
Have a bug AIL
Having hands, as a timepiece ANALOG
Its three largest cities all start with C OHIO
Jason's ship ARGO
Lascivious LUSTY
Last write-up OBIT
Legislation LAW
Clues Answers
Lion's pride? MANE
Little lice NITS
Mischievous tyke IMP
Ocean motion TIDE
Online journal BLOG
Overly excited FRENZIED
Pi follower RHO
Pitch hard HURL
Profits NETS
Prohibit BAR
Punic Wars city CARTHAGE
React with boredom YAWN
Regimen DIET
Ringlet CURL
Scabbard SHEATH
Sea eagle ERN
Send forth EMIT
Snatch GRAB
Sound of disapproval TUT
Squid squirt INK
State leader (Abbr.) GOV
Terrier type AIREDALE
Therefore ERGO
Use a teaspoon STIR
Vacationing OFF
Verifiable TRUE
Whopper LIE
Wildebeest GNU
Winged ALAR
Wound cover SCAB