Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 27 2009

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Clues Answers
'Peer Gynt' playwright IBSEN
-- New Guinea PAPUA
Accepts the truth FACESFACTS
Acknowledge AVOW
Archie's wife EDITH
Arizona tribe HOPI
Balkan native SLAV
Bart, to Homer SON
Benedict XVI, e.g. POPE
Big name in desktop PCs ACER
Blackjack component ACE
Carvey or Delany DANA
Catches some rays TANS
Cauldron POT
Chess piece PAWN
Citric drink ADE
Cold-weather gear OVERCOAT
Connections TIES
Cowboy hat STETSON
Crazy LOCO
Debtor's letters IOU
Destruction HAVOC
Drudgery WORK
Eaters' outings PICNICS
Egos' counterparts IDS
Feedbag morsel OAT
Festive GAY
Frequently OFT
Geese-in-flight formation VEE
Go sightseeing TOUR
Group of scenes ACT
Clues Answers
Gunman's missile BULLET
H H H, in Greece ETAS
He can hold his head high GIRAFFE
Logical SANE
Make one UNIFY
Manhandle PAW
Mardi Gras 'faces' MASKS
Mil. branch USAF
Office equipment FAXMACHINE
On the -- (unfriend-ly) OUTS
Pair DUO
Pair TWO
Pendulum site? PIT
Places LOCI
Poolroom stick CUE
Possesses HAS
Ram's mate EWE
Remain STAY
Rose or Townshend PETE
Speck DOT
Surveillance TABS
Swordplay specialist DUELIST
Throw TOSS
Tiny bit IOTA
Tobacco type SHAG
Unoriginal one APER
Unskilled INEXPERT
Wildebeest GNU
Wound cover SCAB
Wrestling victory PIN
Zilch NADA