Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Apr 19 2008

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Bali --' HAI
'Caught ya!' AHA
'FoxTrot' cartoonist AMEND
'The Immoralist' author GIDE
Alger's 'before' RAGS
And others (Abbr.) ETAL
Arizona tribe HOPI
Auditioner's hope ROLE
Authentic TRUE
Awful BAD
Aye undoer NAY
Bear hair FUR
Books, magazines, etc. READINGMATTER
Challenge DEFY
Comical Caroline RHEA
Computer key ESC
Conger EEL
Constellation component STAR
CSA shade GRAY
Doctrine ISM
Driller's deg. DDS
Embrace HUG
Enrages IRES
Excessively TOO
Exploit USE
Fairy tale preposition UPPN
Former ingenues, maybe LEADINGLADIES
Frat party need KEG
Glaswegian, e.g. SCOT
Greek vowel ETA
Has a bug AILS
Have high hopes ASPIRE
Hockey infraction ICING
Clues Answers
Honeycomb compartments CELLS
Imogene of comedy COCA
It may be included in the rent HEAT
Lob path ARC
Lotion additive ALPE
Not sml. or lge. MED
Not so typical ODDER
Outstanding STELLAR
Overly modest one PRUDE
Phys ed GYM
Piece of cutlery KNIFE
R.L.S. villain HYDE
Right on the map EAST
Rooter's yell RAH
Sawbucks TENS
Scull tool OAR
Send forth EMIT
Skedaddled HIED
Sliding dance step CHASSE
Succor AID
Surrounded by AMID
Tall tale LIE
Ticked off SORE
Uncomplicated EASY
Verdi opera AIDA
Wire measure MIL
Wiretap BUG
Without SANS
Wonderful, in rap slang PHAT
Work unit ERG
Yearn PINE
Yearn LONG