Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 6 2007

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Clues Answers
'Metamorphoses' poet OVID
'Of course' YES
1950s sci-fi villain BLOB
Actor Desi ARNAZ
African heavyweight RHINO
Attila, notably HUN
Authentic REAL
Bit of hardware SCREW
Bottle feature NECK
Bowling site LANE
Carpet RUG
Carryall TOTEBAG
Cheek enhancer ROUGE
Coin-op musicmaker JUKEBOX
Conclusion END
Copper head? ABE
Crazy BATS
Crib BIN
Depend (on) RELY
Disencumber RID
End of a 'Sesame Street' lesson XYZ
Ethereal AIRY
Eviscerate GUT
Expert PRO
Fairy-tale character who's hardly marriage material BLUEBEARD
Fats Domino's 'Hill' BLUEBERRY
Feast-famine link ORA
Festive GAY
Frail WEAK
Fresh NEW
Garden invaders WEEDS
Has the know-how CAN
Hebrew month ADAR
Herr's wife FRAU
Clues Answers
Improved, as wine AGED
Infant BABY
It's a long story EPIC
Jupiter counterpart ZEUS
Juror, theoretically PEER
Largest of the seven ASIA
Long-popular TV clown BOZO
Look lasciviously OGLE
Manage somehow COPE
Massachusetts cape COD
Mongol tent YURT
Monokini's lack BRA
Moonshine container JUG
Naked BARE
Occupation JOB
Organization CLUB
Overly moral one BLUENOSE
Pismire ANT
Practice pugilism SPAR
Praise in verse ODE
Present topper BOW
Relinquish CEDE
Reuben bread RYE
Sibling, for short BRO
Staffer AIDE
Sternward AFT
Stick out JUT
Stir-fry pan WOK
Stromboli spillage LAVA
Symbol of happiness BLUEBIRD
Tarzan's son BOY
Tell target APPLE
Vanna's co-hort PAT