Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Nov 4 2006

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Absolutely' YES
'Hail!' AVE
'Queen -- Day' FORA
'Star Trek' speed factor WARP
Acknowledge AVOW
Apr. addressee IRS
Archery-bow wood YEW
Birthright barterer ESAU
Camera part LENS
Clampett patriarch JED
Clio contender ADMAN
Clutch GRASP
Cohort, out West PARD
Congregation's call AMEN
Conks out DIES
Decelerates SLOWS
Department store decorator WINDOWDRESSER
Dieter's entree SALAD
Encountered MET
Energy VIM
Expert PRO
Fuzzy fruit KIWI
Have bills OWE
Have the money for AFFORD
Headliner STAR
Heart line? AORTA
Intention AIM
Isn't well AILS
It may contain junk DRESSERDRAWER
Kennedy matriarch ROSE
Kitten's comment MEW
Laugh-a-minute RIOT
Clues Answers
Month after Ab ELUL
Movie CINE
Needle case ETUI
Office shape OVAL
Pismire ANT
Plankton component ALGA
Plead BEG
Roams GADS
Robin Cook novel COMA
Roulette bet RED
Round Table address SIR
Sacred song PSALM
Shock partner AWE
Shooter's pellet PEA
Short-range passenger plane AIRBUS
Some people dispense with it PEZ
Spigot TAP
Start over REDO
Svelte SLIM
Take the cake? EAT
Tasteless FLAT
Tittle IOTA
Toss the dice ROLL
Trail the pack LAG
Turn on the waterworks SOB
Turned the ignition key STARTED
Uraei ASPS
Use an old phone DIAL
Venetian magistrate DOGE
Wanted-poster abbr. AKA
Water pitcher EWER
Weaken SAP
What Bialystock and Bloom hoped for BOMB