Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 8 2005

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Clues Answers
'David Copperfield' character DORA
'Why should I care?' SO
90-degree shape ELL
A billion years EON
Addict USER
Alfred E. Neuman's magazine MAD
Appellation NAME
Bambi's aunt ENA
Base runner's goal HOME
Bill's partner COO
Blind as -- ABAT
Brian of rock ENO
Candle count AGE
Catcher's place? RYE
Clad like a grad GOWNED
Contradict DENY
Coop dweller HEN
Coral formations ATOLLS
Cruel treatment SADISM
Cruising ASEA
Draft drink ALE
Dundee denial NAE
Epithet for Shakespeare BARD
Eventual aves OVA
Exam format ORAL
Foreman foe ALI
Geological periods ERAS
Gift-tag word TO
Gun the engine REV
Half-year SEMESTER
Hay unit BALE
Hideaways DENS
Clues Answers
Iowa city AMES
Jamaican music REGGAE
Joie de vivre ELAN
Judge Lance ITO
London gallery TATE
Long-lived OLD
Longings YENS
Medley OLIO
Muscat's land OMAN
Neighborhood AREA
Past AGO
Peacenik DOVE
Plaything TOY
Rancher COWBOY
Rival of Connors BORG
Roses-to-be BUDS
Showy flower MARIGOLD
Sign up ENLIST
Slowly, musically ADAGIO
Solid carbon dioxide DRYICE
South American monkey MARMOSET
Sugar source CANE
The O'Hara estate TARA
Thicken GEL
Thorn in Dennis the Menace's side MARGARET
Under the weather ILL
Victor Herbert's 'Naughty' lady MARIETTA
Voice behind the story NARRATOR
Wound worsener SALT
Writer Buscaglia LEO
Zsa Zsa's sis EVA