Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Apr 30 2005

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Clues Answers
'A poem lovely as --' ATREE
'American --' IDOL
'Mayday!' SOS
'No kidding!' DOTELL
A foot wide? EEE
Actress Kelly MOIRA
Animation VIM
Antecedent to ERE
Become lenient with LETUPON
Bridget Jones' book DIARY
Call it a night RETIRE
Classical music family BACHS
Clutch GRASP
Cold-water bird GANNET
Compete VIE
Concept IDEA
Della and Pee Wee REESES
Disencumber RID
Dogfight participants ACES
Evil demon GHOUL
Eye parts CORNEAS
Eye-related OCULAR
Fancy dress balls FORMALS
Flowerless plants FERNS
French article LES
Furious LIVID
Future Olympics year MMXII
Galley slave? EDITOR
Hostel INN
Intimidate with threats MAUMAU
Clues Answers
John Chapman's supply SEEDS
Kentucky Derby award ROSES
Kibosh NIX
Like some vipers HORNED
Livy's 'I love' AMO
Make like new MEND
Marathon fraction MILE
Morning moisture DEW
Oboe's sound REEDY
Overly assertive PUSHY
Pirate ROB
Pizza topping CHEESE
Pizza topping ONIONS
Pizza topping TOMATO
Pizza topping OLIVES
Prattle YAP
Ricochet CAROM
Roma's land ITALIA
Roulette bet RED
Sandal or sneaker SHOE
Shipwreck cause REEF
Small-craft basin MARINA
Southwestern terrain MESAS
Spilled the beans SANG
Sum component ADDEND
Trench RUT
Ungraceful one OAF
Vandal, perhaps RUINER
Veered off course YAWED
Venture an opinion DARESAY