Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 30 2005

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Clues Answers
'Blessed -- ...' ARE
'Chicago' lyricist EBB
'Get lost!' SCAT
'SportsCenter' milieu ESPN
-- impasse ATAN
Actor DeForest KELLEY
Actress Moore DEMI
Apple computers MACS
Arrow poison CURARE
Bamako's land MALI
Basin accessory EWER
Beehive State UTAH
Big hoopla ADO
Bohemian ARTY
Borodin prince IGOR
Calendar period WEEK
Cavort ROMP
Dry red wine CABERNET
Dumbo's 'wings' EARS
Gambler's hope LUCK
Garbage barge SCOW
God, in Grenoble DIEU
Green acres ERIN
Handle roughly PAW
Have bills OWE
Historic period ERA
Hurry HIE
Idolater's writing ODE
Itsy-bitsy WEE
Itsy-bitsy SMALL
Kitten's remark MEW
Lamb's dam EWE
Man, e.g. ISLE
Clues Answers
Mardi Gras follow-up LENT
Market heads? CABBAGES
Massage KNEAD
Mirth GLEE
Movie pig BABE
Oklahoma city ADA
Oppositionist ANTI
Pacific neckwear LEIS
Possesses OWNS
Practice pugilism SPAR
Profound DEEP
Punch sound POW
San Francisco ride CABLECAR
Sandbanks SHOALS
Science sites LABS
Secluded valleys GLENS
Sequences SERIES
Shell out SPEND
Sheltered ALEE
Shock partner AWE
Singer Sheryl CROW
Sleeping ABED
Spelldown BEE
Spruce up TIDY
Stout relative ALE
Symbol of intrigue WEB
Thin and weak WISPY
Third deg. PHD
Tin Man's need OIL
Upper limit CAP
Whole kit and -- CABOODLE