Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 4 2004

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Clues Answers
'All the Things You --' ARE
'An apple -- ...' ADAY
'Axis of evil' member IRAQ
'Guinness Book' suffix EST
-- -relief BAS
A long time EON
Annoy IRK
Assistance HAND
At a snail's pace SLOW
Become distorted WARP
Biz letterhead abbr. CORP
Bloodhound's clue ODOR
Blunder ERR
Bro's counterpart SIS
Citric beverage ADE
Command to Fido HEEL
Disarray MESS
Ex-governor Ventura JESSE
Exam format ORAL
Family CLAN
Filch COP
Find a tenant LET
Font widths EMS
Half the ramifications? INS
Hayseed RUBE
Highest-ranking SUPREME
Hodgepodge OLIO
In eager anticipation AGOG
Injury HARM
Kept under surveillance EYED
La -- Opera House SCALA
Mail boat PACKET
Malaria symptom AGUE
Clues Answers
Margarine servings PATS
Mexican money PESO
Mideast VIP EMIR
Moises of baseball ALOU
Ninny ASS
Pamplona runner TORO
Part of UCLA LOS
Placekicker's pride TOE
Plagiarizes ROBS
Praise in verse ODE
Prom transport LIMO
Proof letters QED
Reddish steed ROAN
Refine SMELT
Request ASK
Resume BIO
Saturn auto model ION
Sitcom star Romano RAY
Small barrel CASK
Soaring ALOFT
Squeaks past EDGES
Squirrels' hangout OAK
Subject of an 'Annie' song HARDKNOCKLIFE
Support system? BRA
The good doctor JEKYLL
Token, maybe FARE
Toy-shop offering DOLL
Uris' '-- 18' MILA
Valhalla VIP ODIN
Whirlwind TORNADO
Witness SEE