Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 27 2004

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Clues Answers
'A pox upon thee!' FIE
Admitting customers OPEN
Afternoon hour ONE
Agent REP
Anger IRE
Apprehend BAG
Author Ephron DELIA
Biz deg. MBA
Blanc or Brooks MEL
Carnival venue RIO
Champagne-and-OJ drink MIMOSA
Chaps MEN
Clinton blew it SAX
Conclusion END
Coop dweller HEN
Count counterpart EARL
Crossword clue, at times PUN
Dazzle STUN
Dispatches, slangily OFFS
Easter-related PASCHAL
Eccentric ODD
Emulate 18-Across SKI
Exist ARE
Family member SIS
Footnote abbr. IBID
Forefront VAN
Go haywire, as a PC CRASH
Gold medal winner Picabo STREET
Goya's duchess ALBA
Humongous BIG
Hymn presenters CHOIR
In the thick of AMIDST
Intrepid HEROIC
Clues Answers
Intrepid PLUCKY
Inventor Whitney ELI
Irritate VEX
Lead ore GALENA
Letter opener DEAR
Line of thought VEIN
Lose gracefully? DIET
Mainlander's memento LEI
Maltese money LIRA
Met melody ARIA
More contemptible BASER
Mountain ridge ARETE
Night watch VIGIL
O'Hare's loc. CHI
Objects to MINDS
Plumbing problem DRIP
Pompous one ASS
Portent OMEN
Pub orders ALES
Pull an all-nighter CRAM
Put one over on DUPE
Racetrack boundary RAIL
Re city government MAYORAL
React in horror GASP
Roll call reply HERE
Stead LIEU
Supermarket stack CANS
Take care of TEND
Tend a stubborn squeak REOIL
The Red and the Black SEAS
Unuttered 'alas' SIGH