Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 19 2004

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Clues Answers
'Get outta here!' SCRAM
'Let's Make --' ADEAL
'Not -- knowledge' TOMY
'Partridge Family' cast member DEY
1957 Perry Como hit ROUNDANDROUND
Actor Nolte NICK
Adipose tissue FAT
Admirer BEAU
Ball of yarn CLEW
Barn's neighbor SILO
Beatles' adjective FAB
Bedazzle STUN
Bedframe part SLAT
Blackjack part ACE
Bryn -- University MAWR
Cabbie HACK
Chang's closest kin ENG
Choral section ALTOS
Clear the tables BUS
Command to Fido BEG
Concept IDEA
Cordelia's pop LEAR
Crazy LOCO
Dead giveaway? BEQUEST
Digging INTO
Dogpatch hyena LENA
Easily counted FEW
Existed WAS
Expansive VAST
Factor in Einstein's formula MASS
Green land EIRE
Clues Answers
Haggard heroine SHE
Hardly reticent GABBY
Have coming EARN
Help a hood ABET
Helsinki populace FINNS
Hide the truth SANDBAG
Hula hoop, e.g. FAD
In due course ANON
Lemieux milieu ICE
Long March leader MAO
Master-stroke COUP
Miss Piggy, self-referentially MOI
No. 1 TOPS
Ogle EYE
P. Diddy, really SEAN
Part of Sam-I-Am's entree EGGS
Party atmosphere GAIETY
Persian's remark MEW
Poi base TARO
Priestly vestment ALB
Remuneration PAY
Same old same-old RUT
Sans exclusion ALL
Sheik's peer AMIR
Spotted SAW
Stead LIEU
Stocking stuffer LEG
The final frontier SPACE
Under the weather ILL
Walked all over TROD
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