Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 31 2004

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Clues Answers
'Consarn it all!' DRAT
'The Good Earth' heroine OLAN
-- fell swoop INONE
Actor McBride CHI
Actress Heche ANNE
Ambler or Clapton ERIC
Be relevant (to) PERTAIN
Blunders ERRS
Bruins' home UCLA
Carnival setting RIO
Chassis BODY
Chemical suffix INE
Combination MIX
Composer Rorem NED
Cozy and warm SNUG
Crib BIN
Dander IRE
Drives the getaway car ABETS
Eccentricity KINK
Exist ARE
Forehead BROW
Gloomy DOUR
Golfer's concern LIE
Grouch CRAB
Headlight? HALO
Ignores Polonius' advice BORROWS
Land measure ACRE
Lawyers' org. ABA
Lingerie item BRA
Lunch hour, for some ONE
Melody AIR
Clues Answers
Modern-day evidence DNA
Movie sample CLIP
Ms. Farrow MIA
Ms. Thurman UMA
Not mincing words TALKINGTURKEY
On the blue side RACY
One-name singer CHARO
Part of a Latin 101 trio AMO
PBS science show NOVA
Pennsylvania port ERIE
Pig sound OINK
Plagiarize ROB
Plague POX
Poolroom need RACK
Pottery-shop fixture KILN
Re fund-raising dinners RUBBERCHICKEN
Requirement NEED
Rub against CHAFE
Sales pitch? PIE
Scored 100 on ACED
Send out invitations ASK
Sheltered ALEE
Spacecraft compartment POD
Stream of smoke WISP
Street (Abbr.) AVE
Testing the waters WADING
The buck stops here DOE
The third man ABEL
Veers off course YAWS
Went like wildfire SPED
What a stent will prevent CLOT