Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 28 2004

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Monty Python' opener ITS
'The -- Must Be Crazy' GODS
-- Bottom FOGGY
15-Across ingredients NOISES
Actor LaSalle ERIQ
Actors, between jobs? WAITERS
Administer an oath SWEARIN
Alway EER
Anger IRE
Any time now SOON
At one's -- and call BECK
Bart's sister LISA
Boo-Boo's buddy YOGI
Born NEE
Cacoph-ony DIN
Calendar quota YEAR
Carte MENU
Carton BOX
Chart format PIE
Curved line ARC
Disband, to a Brit DEMOB
Float component ICECREAM
Fond du --, Wis. LAC
Footnote abbr. IBID
Founda-tions BEDS
Freudian concept EGO
Gordie Howe's forte ICEHOCKEY
Hold the scepter RULE
Improvise ADLIB
Inlet COVE
Katarina Witt, e.g. ICESKATER
Letter opener? SIRS
Clues Answers
Lummox OAF
Merriment GLEE
Milquetoastlike MEEK
Mined-over matter ORE
Monad UNIT
Neighborhood AREA
O'Hare loc. CHI
Onetime Harvard prexy Derek BOK
Overly TOO
Pasta topping SAUCE
Physical EXAM
Pig's digs STY
Pivots SLUES
Quaker's address THEE
Rainbow IRIS
Regis' employer ABC
Request ASK
Ruby, for one GEM
Sandwich shop DELI
Saturn auto model ION
Short and thick SQUAT
Squid squirt INK
Stretched (out) EKED
Sudden rush of wind GUST
Terrible leader? IVAN
Throw into the mix ADD
Tinkerbell's prop WAND
Tries the tea SIPS
Unfavorable votes NAYS
Vast expanse SEA
Villain's vein fluid? ICEWATER
Willy Wonka's creator DAHL
Word often in brackets SIC