Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 26 2004

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Clues Answers
'-- Miserables' LES
'Foucault's Pendulum' author ECO
-- B'rith BNAI
-- Moines DES
-- podrida OLLA
100 cts. DOL
Actress Gilbert SARA
Actual conflict HOTWAR
Air for a pair DUET
Baby's second word? DADA
Baserunner's goal HOME
Become a colloid JELL
Bet middler? BOOKIE
Billboards ADS
Bogart co-star BACALL
Comprehend GET
Construction timber BEAM
Dict. information DEF
Dinner for Dobbin OATS
Dumbstruck AWED
Grant's is famous TOMB
Heavy weight TON
Honeycomb section CELL
Like a know-it-all show-off PEDANTIC
Like thunder RUMBLING
Meryl Streep movie IRONWEED
Meryl Streep movie SILKWOOD
Meryl Streep movie JULIA
MPs' quarry AWOL
Clues Answers
Myanmar neighbor LAOS
Native to a specific location ENDEMIC
North Sea feeder ELBE
O.J trial judge . ITO
One side of a debate CONS
Partner ALLY
Porter's 'Let's --' DOIT
Prove untrue BELIE
Reggae-like music SKA
Regret RUE
Rock producer Brian ENO
Sail support MAST
Santa's runway ROOF
Sass LIP
Sax range ALTO
See 2-Down BABA
Short sock ANKLET
Small band COMBO
Speck DOT
Standish stand-in ALDEN
Start of a JFK quote ASKNOT
Stretch out ELONGATE
Teensy bit ATOM
Ultra-modernist NEO
Verdon of Broadway GWEN
Vivacity ELAN
Weevil's target BOLL
With 37-Down, thieves' foe ALI
Withdraw RETREAT
Yoda's student LUKE