Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 11 2003

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Clues Answers
'-- Sera Sera' QUE
'Go, team!' RAH
'Novus -- Seclo-rum' ORDO
'People' rival US
'So much --, ...' TODO
'Waking -- Devine' NED
4.0 ideally (Abbr.), GPA
Ague component CHILLS
Basic learning ABCS
Body of laws CODE
Boutique SHOPPE
Caustic stuff LYE
Coffee shop vessel URN
Creamy quaff EGGNOG
Eccentric NUT
Excessively TOO
Feedbag bit OAT
Fermi's concern ATOM
Finished OVER
Flats (Abbr.) APTS
German car AUDI
Golfer's problem LIE
Icelandic saga EDDA
In a perfect world, you'd find them UTOPIANS
Increase STEPUP
Intimidate COW
Italy's silhouette BOOT
Kola Peninsula's water WHITESEA
Left at the altar JILTED
Clues Answers
Lincoln, astrologically AQUARIAN
Long-popular crooner COMO
Maine city BANGOR
Milne bruin POOH
Mosaicists, maybe TILERS
Mouths (Lat.) ORA
Neg. negator POS
Omega preceder PSI
Parlor piece SOFA
Pixar clownfish NEMO
Possess HAVE
Possess OWN
Rock music's Motley -- CRUE
Roulette bet RED
Salt Lake City squad UTAHJAZZ
Scotty's affirmative AYE
Second-hand USED
Shriner's chapeau FEZ
Silverware UTENSILS
Slay a dragon DOIN
Solo of 'Star Wars' HAN
Sushi-bar request EEL
Takes a mate WEDS
Tampa Bay team, for short BUCS
Tier ROW
Unau's cousin AI
Urban blight SMOG
Verifiable TRUE
Visibility hindrance HAZE
Wood-shaping tool ADZ
Worked with UTILIZED
Zilch NONE