Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 6 2003

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Arabian Nights' flier ROC
'Back to the Future' star FOX
'Luck -- Lady' BEA
'Of course' YES
'See ya!' BYE
-- out a living EKE
A Baldwin ALEC
Ancient OLD
Apiece EACH
Astrologer Dixon JEANE
Augusta prop TEE
Author Deighton LEN
Bad sign OMEN
Be philanthropic GIVE
Binge JAG
Call a halt to CEASE
Chihua-hua child NINO
Cohort of Jose and Placido LUCIANO
Conver-sant with UPON
Daughter of a lord DAME
Do the bathroom wall TILE
Emily Dickinson, e.g. POET
Eskimo craft UMIAK
Eventual aves OVA
Free verse lack RHYME
Hearty laugh YOK
In a bad way ILLY
Informal party request (Abbr.) BYOB
Jell-O creation MOLD
KFC flavorer HERB
Last write? OBIT
Lepidop-terist's tool NET
Clues Answers
Make spick-and-span MOPUP
Mom's dessert PIE
Musician Beider-becke BIX
Neverthe-less YET
Partner ALLY
Patriae preceder AMOR
Pleased GLAD
Prop for Perry Como STOOL
Pungent vegetable LEEK
Quiz persistently PUMP
Retainer FEE
Reticent one CLAM
Sans sibs ONLY
Scrap ORT
Sheep's call BAA
Speck DOT
Steven-son villain HYDE
Still unpaid DUE
Strike LASH
Tenet ISM
Term of respect MAAM
Tiny drink SIP
Tourna-ment component HEAT
Toy-brick name LEGO
TV show about a big family THEBRADYBUNCH
TV show about a big family EIGHTISENOUGH
Unattrib-uted, in 'Bartlett's' ANON
Under the full amount SHY
Urban legend MYTH
Use the pool SWIM
Vacation-ing AWAY
Walk a beat PATROL
Worries greatly PREYSON