New York Times - Jun 27 2011

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Clues Answers
'Eureka!' AHA
'Hold your horses!' WAIT
'Me too!' SOAMI
'Sarah Palin's ___' of 2010-11 TV ALASKA
'That hurt!' OUCH
'The Fox and the Grapes' storyteller AESOP
'You have no ___!' IDEA
1990s runnings of the Bulls? THREEPEATS
After-dinner candies MINTS
Aide: Abbr. ASST
Allan-___ (Robin Hood compadre) ADALE
Alley-___ OOP
Application to improve a batter's grip PINETAR
Ayatollah's faith ISLAM
Ball material for a cat YARN
Bawls SOBS
Bert or Ernie MUPPET
Betty of comics BOOP
Bridge SPAN
Brilliance ECLAT
Cape Canaveral org. NASA
Car whose logo has four rings AUDI
Charged particle ION
Che Guevara or Lady Gaga ICON
Chicken ___ king ALA
Crazy as ___ ALOON
Cutting-edge technology? LASER
Deletes, with 'out' XES
Desserts akin to cobblers PIES
Direction after Near, Middle or Far EAST
Excellent, in dated slang PHAT
Forearm bone ULNA
General tendency TREND
Groups battling big government TEAPARTIES
Harness for oxen YOKE
Homemade music compilation ... or a hint to the circled letters MIXTAPE
Honor ___ thieves AMONG
House ___ and Means Committee WAYS
Clues Answers
Implement you might wring MOP
Kennedy matriarch ROSE
Kids' vehicles on tracks GOKARTS
Kyle and Kenny's friend on 'South Park' STAN
Leftover part REST
Leftover part SCRAP
Level TIER
Loud, as a crowd AROAR
Manual's intended reader USER
Manufacture CREATE
Manufacture MAKE
Martians and Venusians ALIENS
Memorization ROTE
Mess up ERR
No-good ROTTEN
Norway's capital OSLO
Not present ABSENT
One end of the Suez Canal REDSEA
Parasite LEECH
Practice boxing SPAR
Queen who financed Columbus, to the Spanish ISABEL
Runners in lab mazes MICE
Sandwiches that may have sour cream and salsa TACOS
School open house organizer: Abbr. PTA
Some gymwear SWEATPANTS
Some N.F.L. linemen RGS
Stench ODOR
Tidbits for aardvarks ANTS
U.S. territory in W.W. II fighting GUAM
Where sailors go ASEA
Winners of some televised singing competitions IDOLS
Word after ginger or brown ALE
Work, as dough KNEAD
Worms and such, to a fisherman BAIT
___ Khan ('The Jungle Book' tiger) SHERE
___ liberales (studies at universidades) ARTES
___-la-la TRA