New York Times - Jun 12 2011

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Clues Answers
'Dirty rotten scoundrel,' e.g. SLUR
'Dirty rotten scoundrel,' e.g. SLUR
'Goody goody gumdrops!' YIPPEE
'Goody goody gumdrops!' YIPPEE
'Nothing ___!' DOING
'Nothing ___!' DOING
'Superman II' villainess URSA
'Superman II' villainess URSA
'Uh-huh, sure it is' IBET
'Uh-huh, sure it is' IBET
'Up in the Air' actress Kendrick ANNA
'Up in the Air' actress Kendrick ANNA
'___ do' ITLL
'___ do' ITLL
'___ mine!' ITS
'___ mine!' ITS
*Boardwalk offering SALTWATERTAFFY
*Boardwalk offering SALTWATERTAFFY
*Certain study session ALLNIGHTER
*Certain study session ALLNIGHTER
*Diamond substitute RELIEFPITCHER
*Diamond substitute RELIEFPITCHER
*Handy things for a toy? PUPPETSTRINGS
*Handy things for a toy? PUPPETSTRINGS
*It may be found near a barrel GUNTRIGGER
*It may be found near a barrel GUNTRIGGER
*Radio Flyer, e.g. LITTLEREDWAGON
*Radio Flyer, e.g. LITTLEREDWAGON
*Something to stand on ONESLEG
*Something to stand on ONESLEG
*Staple of 'Candid Camera' PRACTICALJOKE
*Staple of 'Candid Camera' PRACTICALJOKE
1987 disaster movie? ISHTAR
1987 disaster movie? ISHTAR
1997 Peter Fonda title role ULEE
1997 Peter Fonda title role ULEE
A giraffe might be seen on one SAFARI
A giraffe might be seen on one SAFARI
Actor Hauer RUTGER
Actor Hauer RUTGER
Actress Berger SENTA
Actress Berger SENTA
Ad-packed Sunday newspaper section TRAVEL
Ad-packed Sunday newspaper section TRAVEL
Ain't fixed? ISNOT
Ain't fixed? ISNOT
Any hit by Little Richard OLDIE
Any hit by Little Richard OLDIE
At any time, to a bard EER
At any time, to a bard EER
Attempted something HADAGO
Attempted something HADAGO
Baseball's Master Melvin OTT
Baseball's Master Melvin OTT
Believe in it TENET
Believe in it TENET
Believe in it CREED
Believe in it CREED
Blue Angels' org. USN
Blue Angels' org. USN
Boo follower HOO
Boo follower HOO
Bouquet AROMA
Bouquet AROMA
Brake SLOW
Brake SLOW
Bros, e.g. SIBS
Bros, e.g. SIBS
Bushed BEAT
Bushed BEAT
Chinese dynasty of 1,200 years ago TANG
Chinese dynasty of 1,200 years ago TANG
Classic brand of hair remover NEET
Classic brand of hair remover NEET
Comparatively statuesque TALLER
Comparatively statuesque TALLER
Conditions IFS
Conditions IFS
Curved molding OGEE
Curved molding OGEE
Decrees EDICTS
Decrees EDICTS
Dentist's advice FLOSS
Dentist's advice FLOSS
Descent of a sort RAPPEL
Descent of a sort RAPPEL
Do followers REMI
Do followers REMI
Drops (off) NODS
Drops (off) NODS
Drunk's activity TOPING
Drunk's activity TOPING
Enfeeble IMPAIR
Enfeeble IMPAIR
Entrance to many a plaza ARCH
Entrance to many a plaza ARCH
Exactly right SPOTON
Exactly right SPOTON
Expedition HASTE
Expedition HASTE
Fanny REAR
Fanny REAR
Feudal serf ESNE
Feudal serf ESNE
Fix, as brakes RELINE
Fix, as brakes RELINE
Former flier, for short SST
Former flier, for short SST
Got up on one's soapbox ORATED
Got up on one's soapbox ORATED
Half of a sitcom farewell NANU
Half of a sitcom farewell NANU
Head of Haiti TETE
Head of Haiti TETE
Hinder CRIMP
Hinder CRIMP
Home of the World Health Organization GENEVA
Home of the World Health Organization GENEVA
Intolerant sort HATER
Intolerant sort HATER
It had a major part in the Bible REDSEA
It had a major part in the Bible REDSEA
It might get your feet wet DEW
It might get your feet wet DEW
It might make you snort APNEA
It might make you snort APNEA
Itching EAGER
Itching EAGER
Keyboard key ENTER
Keyboard key ENTER
Clues Answers
Kind of metabolism BASAL
Kind of metabolism BASAL
Know-how SKILL
Know-how SKILL
Lady of Spain DONA
Lady of Spain DONA
Lawn tools EDGERS
Lawn tools EDGERS
Less cramped ROOMIER
Less cramped ROOMIER
Like a winter wind BITING
Like a winter wind BITING
Like some maidens FAIR
Like some maidens FAIR
Line of cliffs SCARP
Line of cliffs SCARP
Loughlin of 'Full House' LORI
Loughlin of 'Full House' LORI
Many a Bob Marley fan RASTA
Many a Bob Marley fan RASTA
Many a summer worker INTERN
Many a summer worker INTERN
Mideast title EMEER
Mideast title EMEER
Military camp ETAPE
Military camp ETAPE
Must-have NEED
Must-have NEED
Navel buildup LINT
Navel buildup LINT
Nincompoop FOOL
Nincompoop FOOL
Not his'n HERN
Not his'n HERN
Old Church of England foe PAPIST
Old Church of England foe PAPIST
Old NASA landers LEMS
Old NASA landers LEMS
Old-fashioned STODGY
Old-fashioned STODGY
One on the way out GONER
One on the way out GONER
One waving a red flag TORERO
One waving a red flag TORERO
Outstanding EMINENT
Outstanding EMINENT
Pass over OMIT
Pass over OMIT
Piece over a door or window LINTEL
Piece over a door or window LINTEL
Place for a pickup? NAPE
Place for a pickup? NAPE
Point of view ANGLE
Point of view ANGLE
Pound sound ARF
Pound sound ARF
Project closing? ILE
Project closing? ILE
Rest spot COT
Rest spot COT
Rimsky-Korsakov's 'The Tale of ___ Saltan' TSAR
Rimsky-Korsakov's 'The Tale of ___ Saltan' TSAR
Role in 2011's 'Thor' ODIN
Role in 2011's 'Thor' ODIN
S. C. Johnson brand RAID
S. C. Johnson brand RAID
Scribbled JOTTED
Scribbled JOTTED
Seaport on the Adriatic RIMINI
Seaport on the Adriatic RIMINI
Service arrangement LITURGY
Service arrangement LITURGY
Shows, as a thermometer does a temperature READS
Shows, as a thermometer does a temperature READS
Slugger HITTER
Slugger HITTER
Soft ball brand NERF
Soft ball brand NERF
Solitaire puzzle piece PEG
Solitaire puzzle piece PEG
Something that's drawn BATH
Something that's drawn BATH
Start of a childish plaint IWANNA
Start of a childish plaint IWANNA
Stickers? SYRINGES
Stickers? SYRINGES
Survey choice, sometimes OTHER
Survey choice, sometimes OTHER
Taper off ABATE
Taper off ABATE
Test ___ PREP
Test ___ PREP
The very ___ SAME
The very ___ SAME
They're often acquired at a wedding INLAWS
They're often acquired at a wedding INLAWS
Thought out loud OPINED
Thought out loud OPINED
Took a corner on two wheels CAREENED
Took a corner on two wheels CAREENED
Transplant, in a way POT
Transplant, in a way POT
Trolley sound CLANG
Trolley sound CLANG
Turned away from sin REPENTED
Turned away from sin REPENTED
TV's Foxx REDD
TV's Foxx REDD
Vituperation, e.g. ABUSE
Vituperation, e.g. ABUSE
Wake Island, e.g. ATOLL
Wake Island, e.g. ATOLL
Ward (off) FEND
Ward (off) FEND
Whiz PRO
Whiz PRO
Word with exit or express LANE
Word with exit or express LANE
Xerox product TONER
Xerox product TONER
You may catch them on a boat, in two different ways RAYS
You may catch them on a boat, in two different ways RAYS
___ avis RARA
___ avis RARA
___ Day, May 1 celebration in Hawaii LEI
___ Day, May 1 celebration in Hawaii LEI
___ formality ASA
___ formality ASA
___ no good UPTO
___ no good UPTO
___ of the past RELIC
___ of the past RELIC