L.A. Times Sunday - May 15 2011

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Clues Answers
"Buddenbrooks" novelist MANN
"Fun, Fun, Fun" car TBIRD
"It's a possibility" IMIGHT
"Letter from an Unknown Woman" author Stefan ZWEIG
"Seinfeld" uncle LEO
"Yeah, right" IBET
"___ does it!" THAT
1040 reviewer, briefly IRS
1040 reviewer, briefly CPA
115 Across stuff GEL
1965 Godard film, "Pierrot ___" (meaning "the madman") LEFOU
1965 hit, "___ Yours" BABYIM
1984 Chicago hit, "Hard Habit ___" TOBREAK
A pop EACH
Actor Kirby and shoe designer Magli BRUNOS
Actress Jeanne MOREAU
Alexander cut it, the ___ Knot GORDIAN
Apartment, e.g. UNIT
Archeological job UNEARTHING
Ashcroft's predecessor RENO
Be on the same page AGREE
Biblical vessels ARKS
Bones OSSA
Bureaucratic no-man's-land LIMBO
Car topper, in Aspen SKIRACK
Catherine the Great, for one EMPRESS
Cave in Spain famed for its prehistoric paintings ALTAMIRA
Chiming-in denial NORI
Chou En-___ LAI
City about which Gertrude Stein said, "There is no 'there' there" OAKLAND
Clerk's place STORE
Clerk's place MART
Commotion ADO
Commotion STIR
Composer Jule STYNE
Consequence IMPORTANCE
Country rocker Steve EARLE
Cracker's concern SAFE
Creates a white blanket? SNOWS
Creature creator Winston of sci-fi filmdom STAN
Cutting room? SALON
Damon or Dillon MATT
Declares AVERS
Doctor's suggestion REST
Doors tune, "Love ___ Madly" HER
Exist ARE
Fertility goddess ASTARTE
Flintstone's boss SLATE
Frame of mind MOOD
Fuzzily photographed craft UFOS
Gamblers' methods SYSTEMS
German article DER
Gut feeling? PANG
Henri ending ETTA
Heretofore, once ERENOW
Ice skater Cohen SASHA
In great shape TRIM
Israeli journalist Amira HASS
It's filled with bills ATM
Jack Benny catchword WELL
Jobs involving roadies GIGS
Juice choice VEIGHT
Major retailer SEARS
Makes a boo-boo ERRS
Mr. Ives BURL
Clues Answers
Mustangs' sch. SMU
Neighbor of Cambodia LAOS
Non-PC choices? MACS
Nonexistent NIL
Norma McCorvey in a famous case ROE
Numbers to crunch DATA
Ocean phenomenon ELNINO
Odysseus's home ITHACA
Ogler EYER
Old Testament book RUTH
Old way to start a collect call DIALO
Omega preceder PSI
Poet's meadow LEA
Port near Nazareth HAIFA
Port Said's canal SUEZ
Put on the line RISK
Reformer Jacob RIIS
Reputation NAME
Rock-shop curiosity GEODE
Round, crunchy sweet OREO
Rule, briefly REG
Scams CONS
Searches (through) SIFTS
Seventies supergroup ABBA
She's Anna in "Anna Christie," 1931 GRETA
Sicilian smoker ETNA
Sigma follower TAU
Singer Lopez TRINI
Soda accessory STRAW
Soft-boiler's need TIMER
Song about a dachshund? LONGSHORTSALLY
Song about Salieri's true feelings toward Mozart? ITHINKIHATEYOU
Song about someone who's easily entertained? IGETAKICKOUTOFME
Song to swear by? ISAYALITTLECURSE
Sonnet sections SESTETS
Speed-setters at Indy PACECARS
Spigoted servers URNS
Sweater style VNECK
Swift-boat setting NAM
Table scrap ORT
Tape meas. IPS
Tenacious DOGGED
Theater, dance, etc. ARTS
They're cast VOTES
Time-out of a sort NAP
Toast choice RYE
Took off LEFT
Tour finish? IST
Tuck's partner NIP
Tuna giant STARKIST
Variety TYPE
Venetian magistrate DOGE
W.C. Fields's role in "The Bank Dick," Egbert ___ SOUSE
Waited, perhaps SAT
Whack, in the Bible SMITE
Wild ass of Asia KIANG
With 50 Down, song about holding one's liquor? MOONSHINEON
With 64 Across, theme song for "Divorce Court"? YOUVEMADEMESO
Word in a Haggard title OKIE
Words before "penny" and "pound" INFORA
Yacht lover's event BOATSHOW
___ Helens MTST
___ of relief ASIGH
___ rays GAMMA
___ sleep REM