- May 8 2011

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Clues Answers
''Jumbo shrimp,'' for one OXYMORON
''Piano Man'' singer JOEL
''The Gold-Bug'' writer POE
''Wheel of Fortune'' category PHRASE
Abrasive minerals EMERIES
Action-packed SLAMBANG
Actor Willis BRUCE
Actress Olin LENA
African capital DAKAR
Agitate STIR
Amaze STUN
Atomizer output MIST
Ben Stiller's mom MEARA
Bend out of shape WARP
Benny Hill, to Jack Benny NAMESAKE
Blondie Bumstead's maiden name BOOPADOOP
Boston's airport LOGAN
Bound to get INFOR
Brussels-based alliance NATO
Building sites PLOTS
Bunch of buffalo HERD
Busy time for 121 Across APRIL
Calendar abbr. MON
Carried the day WON
Certain TVs RCAS
Chapters of history ERAS
Charged towards RANAT
Cheese lovers MICE
City on Route 66 AMARILLO
Civil rights org. NAACP
Coffee-break time TEN
Counting-rhyme start EENY
Crier's cry HEARYE
December songs NOELS
Depreciation WEARANDTEAR
Devotion to pleasure HEDONISM
Dinner order SURFANDTURF
Disneyland shuttles TRAMS
Drink impolitely SLURP
Dry as a desert SAHARAN
Dry, as wine SEC
Easy catch POPFLY
Element #5 BORON
Engrave ETCH
Eradicates STAMPSOUT
Escape from DODGE
European capital MADRID
Family cars SEDANS
Feathery scarf BOA
Flip-chart holder EASEL
Flower holder STEM
Former Common Market letters EEC
German article EIN
Green land ERIN
Have a hunch FEEL
Height enhancer STILT
Height enhancers HEELTAPS
Highly efficient LEANANDMEAN
Hinged (on) DEPENDED
Hole-punching tools AWLS
Horatio Alger novel LUCKANDPLUCK
Housekeeper's quarry DUST
I, as in Innsbruck ICH
Important MAJOR
In that case IFSO
In that role, with ''as'' SUCH
Insignificant MERE
Clues Answers
Item on tap BEER
Jazz singer Vaughan SARAH
Kids' game ISPY
Large waterfowl SWANS
Law partner ORDER
Like a lot ADORE
Likewise not NOR
Looked up to ADMIRED
Mandlikova of tennis HANA
Maple Leafs and Coyotes NHLERS
Midmonth day IDES
Mont. neighbor IDA
Musical postscripts CODAS
Needing sharpening DULL
Numbers game LOTTO
One-band appliances AMRADIOS
Opposite of ''to'' FRO
Outer layer SKIN
Outfield material SOD
P&L preparers CPAS
Peeved SORE
Persian's plaint MEOW
Piano parts PEDALS
Place quickly SLAPON
Prepare to drive TEEUP
Presidential middle name EARL
Progress unit NOTCH
Propelled an antique sewing machine TREADLED
Ranch pen CORRAL
Remained unused SAT
Repeat for emphasis RAMHOME
Rite place ALTAR
Seize illegally USURP
Shipping shortcuts CANALS
Shout when seeing 111 Down EEK
Sierra __ (Mexican mountains) MADRES
Simple song DITTY
Sitar tune RAGA
Snacked on ATE
Some singers ALTOS
Something boring DRAG
Something boring RUT
Sorority sisters COEDS
Speaker introducer EMCEE
Special Forces topper BERET
Stack HEAP
Start the pot ANTE
Stinted on supper UNDERFED
Stuff in some soups NOODLES
Sugar serving, at times ONELUMP
Suit material SERGE
Sweeping in scope EPIC
Tanning-lotion brand of yore SEAANDSKI
Televise AIR
Toulon twosome DEUX
Ukraine port ODESSA
Uncool GEEKY
Unit of force DYNE
University of Nevada locale RENO
Unwraps OPENS
Uruguayan uncle TIO
Vacationer's objectives, often SUNANDFUN
Vocal ORAL
Went alone SOLOED
Western Indian UTE
Winter bug FLU
Wore down ERODED
You are here EARTH
Youngest Ivy League school CORNELL
__ chi (martial art) TAI