Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 7 2025

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Clues Answers
"Citadel" actress Chopra PRIYANKA
"I dropped the fruitcake!" OOPS
"The Black Prince" author Murdoch IRIS
Antonym (Abbr.) OPP
Archbishops, e.g PRIMATES
Battery fluid ACID
Beholds SEES
Between jobs IDLE
Bigfoot's cousin YETI
Brooch PIN
Caesar's "I saw" VIDI
Capita lead-in PER
Carried on, as war WAGED
Central point NODE
Chorus syllables LALA
Classic car REO
Computer brand ACER
Courts WOOS
Dead heat TIE
Do in SLAY
Easter bloom LILY
Endure LAST
Female royal PRINCESS
Flightless birds EMUS
Get bent out of shape WARP
Get overemotional GUSH
Harmonious INSYNC
Help AID
High point PEAK
Hostel INN
How distant stars shine DIMLY
Implores URGES
Clues Answers
Latin 101 word AMAT
Ledge SILL
Leeway ROOM
Lengthy list LITANY
Makes a choice OPTS
Mollify SOOTHE
More knotted, as a tree GNARLIER
Parcel of land LOT
Pear-shaped fruit FIG
Pickles on "Rugrats" DIL
Politico Nancy PELOSI
Prime-time hour NINE
Primitive flutes PANPIPES
Rappers' improvisations RHYMES
Roulette bet RED
Royal flush, e.g HAND
Signaled "Hi!" WAVED
Sinusitis doc ENT
Six, in Sicily SEI
Slithery fish EEL
Squid squirt INK
Tofu source SOY
Twain hero FINN
Used a Zoom alternative SKYPED
Villa d'— ESTE
Wax-coated cheese EDAM
— Bator ULAN
— chi TAI
— Pérignon DOM