Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 1 2025

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Clues Answers
"I — Rock" AMA
"Mayday!" SOS
Actress Fisher ISLA
Afternoon affairs TEAS
Albacore and yellowfin TUNAS
Author Harper LEE
Avocado dip, for short GUAC
Bar bill TAB
Basil or thyme HERB
Bat wood ASH
Begin anew, as on January 1 STARTOVER
Block-dropping video game TETRIS
Book-spine abbr VOL
California valley SIMI
Connection BOND
Curly's brother MOE
Cushy SOFT
Darkens DIMS
Dead heat TIE
Devoured ATE
Disposition MOOD
Ecol. watchdog EPA
Edison's middle name ALVA
Egyptian river NILE
Fan disapproval BOOING
Finn's floater RAFT
Friendly leader? ECO
Half of XIV VII
Hockey legend Phil, to fans ESPO
Island near Java BALI
Japanese pond carp KOI
Clues Answers
Leb. neighbor ISR
Locks down SECURES
Moo juice MILK
Mosque leader IMAM
Naked BARE
Nobelist Walesa LECH
Oklahoma city ADA
Pesky insect GNAT
Playwright Levin IRA
Poetic tributes ODES
Prison-related PENAL
Pt. of speech ADV
Rating unit STAR
Rebuffs SNUBS
Resistance unit OHM
Retired jet SST
Review in detail HASHOVER
Rice or Auburn (Abbr.) UNIV
Rorschach pattern INKBLOT
Savory taste UMAMI
Schreiber of "Ray Donovan" LIEV
Scoundrel RAT
Shade tree ELM
Smoothie berry ACAI
Sty chow SLOP
Table support LEG
Terre Haute sch ISU
Terse denial NOTI
Vampire, by nature BITER
Word list, for short VOCAB
Yard tool RAKE
— Angeles LOS