Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 1 2024

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Clues Answers
"Anna Karenina" novelist TOLSTOY
"Billy, Don't Be —" AHERO
"Champion" of Spain ELCID
"Finished!" DONE
"Hugo" title role player Butterfield ASA
"I'm buying" ONME
"Is that so!" GEE
"Klute" actress JANEFONDA
"Let it stand" STET
"Let's Get It On" singer MARVINGAYE
"Pronto!" ASAP
"The — Sanction" (1975 film) EIGER
"Wheel of Fortune" host Pat SAJAK
"— Abner" LIL
"— fair in love and war" ALLS
1841-45 first family TYLERS
Abbr. on a brandy bottle VSO
Animal lair DEN
Armani offerings SUITS
Back end REAR
Bartending tool with holes JULEPSTRAINER
Basic lessons ABCS
Belgian river YSER
Brownish-toned picture SEPIAPHOTO
Cake tier LAYER
Cape Cod resort village HYANNIS
Caribbean resort ARUBA
Central points FOCI
Certain fruit stone APRICOTPIT
Certain utility meter reader GASMAN
Chart anew REMAP
City official on "Family Guy" MAYORWEST
Classic Karel Capek play RUR
Clearasil target ACNE
Co. top dog CEO
Country singer Ronnie MILSAP
Craft ART
Curds and — WHEY
Denim pants JEANS
Dog's reward TREAT
Dreamy guys ADONISES
Dried up SERE
El — (ocean current) NINO
Element #10 NEON
Elevate RAISE
Fogged up, as a sauna STEAMY
Frat guys BROS
Fuel additive brand STP
Gentle TAME
Get dressed ENROBE
Give — shot ITA
Go in haste HIE
Goes after in court SUES
Halifax native NOVASCOTIAN
Halting of hostilities TRUCE
Halve with an ax, say CUTINTWO
Heptathlete Jackie Joyner- — KERSEE
Heron variety EGRET
Hockey great Gordie HOWE
Hog's pen STY
Hun leader ATTILA
Idyllic places EDENS
Incite EGGON
Incite STIR
Individual LONE
Intended (to) AIMED
Intent stare GAZE
Ironic, as wit WRY
Irritates PEEVES
Italian for "hundred" CENTO
Join the team SIGNON
Land in eau ILE
Large moon of Uranus OBERON
Clues Answers
Leonhard of pure mathematics EULER
Lie comfily close NESTLE
Line of air fresheners requiring an outlet FEBREZEPLUG
Lobbying org PAC
Mac rivals PCS
Main topic THEME
Make a gaffe ERR
Make tidy NEATEN
Mine, in France AMOI
Moniker NAME
Move to a new country EMIGRATE
Munched on ATE
Muslim prayer leader IMAM
Must have NEEDS
NFL notable Manning ELI
Not active IDLE
Noted Deco master ERTE
Notion IDEA
Old LP players HIFIS
Once lived WAS
Overly docile MEEK
Ovine animal SHEEP
Part of QED ERAT
Part of UCLA LOS
Patch variety IRONON
Pesters NAGSAT
Pine- — SOL
Polish river ODER
Poolside seat DECKCHAIR
Portend a good outcome AUGURWELL
Prez Lincoln ABE
Primo pitcher ACE
Prior to, to a bard ERE
Program running in a browser WEBAPP
Promotional connections TIEINS
Quadrennial games org USOC
Railroad depot: Abbr STN
Rebuke from Caesar ETTU
Region AREA
Rub to clean SCOUR
Sac in anatomy CYST
School for associate's degrees JUNIORCOLLEGE
School reunion-goers ALUMNI
Scored a major victory WONBIG
Seat weaver CANER
See 38-Down MIRACLE
See 70-Down LALA
Similar to LIKE
Singer Ross DIANA
Ski jackets PARKAS
Slow to react INERT
Small dollop DAB
Some private planes CESSNAS
SpaceX head Musk ELON
Span represented by the first three letters of 12 answers in this puzzle YEAR
Stood to lose RISKED
Strong-arms COERCES
Stuff squirted by a cephalopod OCTOPUSINK
Sword variety EPEE
Texting format, for short SMS
Tiger's sound, to tots ROWR
Time of note ERA
Topic of an otologist's instructions EARCARE
Univ. senior's test GRE
Weapons depot ARSENAL
With 28-Across, church meeting cry ITSA
With 31-Down, lilting song syllables TRA
Young fellow LAD
Yule tune NOEL
— Mahal TAJ
—TV ("Tacoma FD" channel) TRU