L.A. Times Sunday - Apr 17 2011

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Clues Answers
"... to ___ peach?" (T.S. Eliot) EATA
"And for dessert, a slice of ___ pie." MINCEMEAT
"And while ___ it ..." IMAT
"Chicken wings, lightly ___ ..." BATTERED
"Don't take ___ hard" ITSO
"Eli's Coming" composer Laura NYRO
"Hooked on Classics" company, as seen on TV KTEL
"I love," to Lucius AMO
"Lonesome George" of TV GOBEL
"Memory" musical CATS
"No hell ___ ..." (from Lennon's "Imagine") BELOWUS
"Order of ___ ..." ONIONRINGS
"Pile of ___ ..." COLDCUTS
"Plate of ___ ..." BRAISEDRIBS
"Some ___ ..." ROASTDUCK
"Tall glass of ___ ..." CHERRYPUNCH
"That is" follower ALL
"The Merry Widow" composer LEHAR
"They leave," in old plays EXEUNT
"To be honest ..." FRANKLY
"With ___ on the side ..." BLACKEYEDPEAS
"___, grilled ..." SOCKEYESALMON
"___, rare ..." ROUNDSTEAK
1980s supermodel GIA
A, B or C: abbr. LTR
Abbr. on a tax form IRA
African language group BANTU
Ample avians EMUS
And others, briefly ETAL
Art ___ DECO
Aspen or Vail, e.g. SKIAREA
Asylum seeker, maybe EMIGRE
Athlete's accolade, briefly MVP
Attribute ASCRIBE
Bat stat RBI
Bee Gees' genre DISCO
Berle's nickname MILTIE
Birthplace of Jules Verne NANTES
Blacksmith needs ANVILS
Boxer's foot? PAW
Boxing outcomes TKOS
Brandy letters VSO
Bull's motto BUY
Bus-info sheets SKEDS
Cake finishers ICERS
Cartoon cry YIPE
Casual day, perh. FRI
CD player precursor TAPEDECK
Chan portrayer Warner OLAND
Charlemagne's dad ("the Short") PEPIN
Chart anew REMAP
Colts owner Robert who spirited the team away from Baltimore to Indianapolis IRSAY
Counsel, old-style (anagram of DEER) REDE
Decal type IRONON
Deposed leader's limbo EXILE
Do over, as flight plans REBOOK
Dog-owner Charles NORA
Duped twin ESAU
Eagles' nests AERIES
Extinct bird MOA
Eye parts UVEAS
First name in country REBA
Flock leader PASTOR
Fowl pole? ROOST
Galleon booty ORO
Get (by) EKE
Glistened SHONE
Go fish request NINES
Had a brain freeze ERRED
Hangs around STAYS
Hawaii's Mauna ___ KEA
Helper: Abbr. ASST
Home of "Talk of the Nation" NPR
Clues Answers
Ice great ORR
Impersonated DID
Indian outfit, variantly SAREE
Infamous Cesare BORGIA
Infamous Roman NERO
King of Skull Island KONG
Knocked cold OUT
Leader of a plow team, in Olde England ACREMAN
Lowdown SKINNY
Mao follower TSE
Math class: abbr. GEOM
Mole or plant SPY
More calm SERENER
More muddleheaded DOPIER
Most slothlike POKIEST
Mountain lake TARN
Nanny's cousin AUPAIR
Nary ___ (no one) ASOUL
Navy elite SEALS
Not-to-do list TABOOS
Noted flagmaker ROSS
Old-style peep show RAREE
Passover meal SEDER
Pennsylvania city ERIE
Perform without ___ ANET
Pigeon-___ TOED
Plymouth settler John ALDEN
Quantum physics pioneer BOHR
Remove forcibly EVICT
Rival of Sinclair and Sunoco ESSO
Royal staff, to a Brit SCEPTRE
Rudimentary BASIC
Sailing term ALEE
Sam Spade's secretary EFFIE
Sans delay ASAP
Says positively AVERS
Scarecrow's headful, according to his Oz song STUFFIN
She-bear, in Seville OSA
Singer Bobby VEE
Slammin' Sammy's family SNEADS
Sleigh guide RUDOLPH
Small songbirds LARKS
Smart's partner SASSY
Spanish aunt TIA
Stage prompt CUE
Stops, to a sailor HEAVESTO
Succor AID
Sudden hankering URGE
Surgeon's duds SCRUBS
Taylor of "The Birds" ROD
The right-leaning type: abbr. ITAL
They're scanned in mkts. UPCS
Throw in ADD
Toll road PIKE
Top exec CEO
Trade-in, often OLDCAR
Twist-apart treat OREO
Type of contest BEE
Unsteadily SHAKILY
Use, as a mattress LIEON
Waitress: "In other words, the One-Two ___. Comin' right up." COMBINATION
Waitress: "What'll ya have, Rocky?" Rocky: "Let's see ... some diced ___ ..." BELLPEPPERS
Well-known jabber? ALI
West follower? ERN
Where Aeneas fought TROY
Wile E. Coyote's supplier ACME
Writers of "was here" graffiti KILROYS
You are here EARTH